Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied. 97 z. In cafe Gods pro:nife; are not m~de good eo thee. For a~ that inftam a mw beleeves he oives Chrill: and all things, all Grace, ~11 confolanon, all Glory, bur 1ris in rhe pr~mife, becauf~ h~ wo~tld h.we ,them live by Faith a ;;-bile here. "' by fence in Heaven; and be~ng wrapr up 1n rhe promtf~,. rh~~ feer 1t nor, only plead wirh God : Hall: nor fatd Lord.• thou wtlr fubdue uuqumes, purge me .1s Gold is tried ? Why then do I go chtldleffe, gr.1celeffe? No more Grace , no more Spirit, no berrer hem for thee r <?h now the hem calls in quel~ion God~ promife or !inks I Oh tlOIV remember rhts. day? for the perfett. re!hwnon of all rhinos perfeCt accomphihment of all prom1fes 1s referved for ~hu nme, Ifa.z 5 ·9· :rho~ {mye{Hor m~ny things, bu~ they come not; Chrilt referves t~e payment till rhis day. Wh,lt a comfort IS rh1s ? What a fweer fpeech was lt of Jojhua, jo!h.23.14. One thing b~ttb not failed, wheli be had conquered the Lmd. So then when rhe conquell: is tmde, to fee all the promifes made goo:l ro rhee. 3. In cafe ofGods abfence or withdrawing, or when thou feel ell: burlittle of his prefence here in his Providences or in his Ordina11ce>, pri_vare, yublick, and that ia too. Thou haft found one half hours nme With the Lord, alone, fweeter and better than a rhou[~nd worlds. Oh bur this holds not ! Thou ma itt it nuy be w.tit on the Lord in his Ordinance;, an:! go away Wtth a fad hem, Oh I cannot fee him, and canll: not find out the c.1ufe 1vhy fo heavy,and vile,and fo l04tbell: thy felf, Oh now rhinkofthi; day, I Cor.I 5.28. Then God ihall be ,all ;,. all, then thou lhalt have rby fill of love, and fill of Go d. 4· In cafe of forrow fo r the uproar of the world againll God and ChriH, and the wrong> done to Chrifl and his people ; to fee Chri!l: crucified, and crying fpare my life, and faying_, If you.feek_me, Jet theft little one~ depltl"t? yet they are abufed, and every cme agamG Chnfl, as thts day the world IS commg to the I aft fin-of mldneffe againfhhe LoFd of Glory. Oh now, remember and look forchis day, I Csr.t5.'l5. Ht muft reign. Lord what acomfortwillitbetofeeCbrifi King then? Men come to fee him King here, but Oh whatwill ir be when be fhall come himfelf? To fee all fecrets open, and the Lorcl glorified in himfelf and people, of all cnmures. Look for this, to fee rhegreat aad la;l plot of God brcughr to rerfeetion. Oh think thao is our day, that is Ollr vWoq ! 5. When you come to die, and to think of leaving thy carcafe to rot in the duft a long time ; Ob ·think and look upon tftis day! Tht] that heAr (hafllive. Why do I t=lie? JohM 5.28,29. Thej foalt thrn C'mt •ut of theirgraves, &c. Thus look forth is. Moti<~es. I. All cr~atutes look for this in t manner, Rom. 8. u, 23. Nay Chrill:and Saints in HeJVen look for this day, Heb.xo.r 3· From thence expefling till hi1 eiJemitJ, !l£c· Nay Devils look for it,. but tremble : Only a fecure world rockt afleep torhe1r ete rnal wo, lol>knotforlt. . 'l. This will help you ro~ide all fiorms, bear .all knocks cbearfully. Our Hope Is our Helmet. Our Hope 1s our Anchor, Heb;6,19. Eph.6..17. You will meet with rhem here ia may be before you die. 3. !heLord h~th called you out of ~his world, lie might have left you in it , and gtven you your hope, your poruwn here, and i:hen wo to thee, but be hath called cheetothi~ ho;>e, th1t if Prince' of _the world kne1v, they would lay down, nay cart away thetr Crown' at thy feet for tc, and fay, Oh that I were in that maas cafe! Eph.I.I8. Hope•f hiicalling• .4· Ho?e and expeetat!o.n of all other thing~ ihall fail, if Go~ .foves thee, he Wtl! make Y?u kn?w whu tts r~ forfake your poruon. If not, they (hall fail you when you die, thts <hall not; it ma.~; niJt a{hamed. 5. Me-thin~{s this is the Glory of a Chriftian, that he turns his back upon the world, ~nd lives and waits for the coming of the Lord. . . . 6~ Oh this will give ChriH:s h.::.m fwll content, when he lhall eo me, Luk! I t.37. 0 Ht