Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

---- ------ -----·------------,-'~- Tbe €piffle to theCJ?....~adet. / worj; that art 114 Goads and N~ils f41neJ by thiJ M4Jtr •f u!/Jemblics ,gi- - - -- vtn f~m thJt ont and chief shepherd. The Lord fix and fallen them ' in :tll our hearts, that abiding and being engrafted there, they may be inflruroental to further our $1lvation, that ' neither deficiency in the main, nor lloathful fecurity, may hinder us from our defired end ; but ' when that chief Shepherd and that Heavenly Bridegroo;n, who no\¥ fends to us by fo many Servants and Mefl3ges of his, both in Word I nd Writing, lhall appear himfelf in the Glory 1/ hil Father, Asd of ,g hiJ holy At~gtls, we alfo m1y receive A Crown of Glif1 that {~tdeth not away, and ( for the !aft confummation of this h:tppy Mmiage) may go home with him to his fathers Houfe, there to abide in his Rell, in the Fulneffeefhil jo1, and drink down his PltA[ures for evmnm. And you that fomtimes were the Flock of this Shepnerd . and have beard thefe things from the lively voice of this SouLmelting Preac_her, whom you never can forget; let it be a welcom Providence to have thefe Truths thus revived to you , and put into your hands, that he who is dead, may yet fpeak to yoll and yours. Get them into your Houfes to read, nay, into your Hearts to feed upon, as achoice and precious Treafure. And let them (hll be a living and cooci~ual warn· ing to y0u to watch and keep alive the power of Godlineffe, the daily ' pra~i[e of working out 'JIIIr Sa/vlltl~n with fear 1111d trembling, the love of the Truth, the hatred of every falte way, the efteem :md imprQve- ' ment ofGods Ordinances, and the true, humble, he;tvcaly Life of F.Aith in Chrift Jefus. · !fonathan Mitebel. To