: II4 !.;ilativc6.- Me;~nsi. f2__H#· Anfw. The 'Parable of' the . j Friends rh.1t fend w us,and provide for us in a defarr place,we long w fee them. l Nowwhoharhclothedrhee, comforted, p1rdoned, revived, found rbee , kepr j thee that nothin~ h.t th httrt thee? nay rhat rhy fin; have humbled rbee, and done \· rhee good: Oh ris Chrifl! Wilt not fay , who and where is he thJt doth all this? l Oh confider bow glad the Lord Jefus will be of thee, though the wodd and rhou art weary ofthy felf, Zeph. 3· 17• .Lit.k! 10.1.1, 1 rha11k_theeO F4tha: [o will d1e · Lord fay then. Labour for aifurance that Chrill is thir.e, elfe you will rear De.1th and P.ell rhar follo:v.s it , and ftlCh an alf~ratKe as dorh not only chafe awa ¥vexation and anguifh · ' offpmt, but fe.m,~t leafi m the power of them; for _there ts manyachritiian c.m find the Propofition true in the word , H: ti:At cmm to Cl:rift 1-e ,.,i/1 r,ot uft IIWaj.; theSpiritdears Cods \YO(k, and his awn CXfC::rience, and (airh, TJoqMcome.ft unto Chrift,nowwhenhecomesromakethe conclufion, rhouoh he dares . nor fin againfi clear light and evideHce of the Spirit , and conclude , "'yet 1 {I: all k I caftaway: yet he dares mt, nor cannot for .11iw.e mt·cludc fully; wliy.? bccaufe 1offomefears, what if I lhould be w.iHaken,and when I die all prove mt·&hr? and i while this fear lalls you will not long (till needs muit) ro be with CJmH; for · . whi.'e you fear or fufpeet Chrifi as an enemy, you 1vill nor heanily love him,nor ' long tobe with him: therefore ger thefe fears removed. . Ho'lll m'!)'thu he? . Rom. 8. 1 ~,16, By tbeSpirit of Adoption only; for rhough I eo nor exchtdc· 'I the work of fanetified reafon from che witneife of the Spirit , yec chis I fay, char all chemen in the world, nor all thewifdom and reafon ofmancan neverchafe<l\o way.all fears, fcmerall ·mills, rill rhe Spirit ic fdffaich peace and·be ftill, and puts 1 its hand and feat to r~e Evidence; rill the Spirit noc by an audible , ·but fOI'Ie!'ful voiceibews andferfwades, A Us 12. q, 14, I), 16. They had been prayingfor !Peter, Peur knocks, the Damfel faith, Peter is there; now fee thelrunbelief afrec i fuch·~ mighty Spirit .of Prayer, 'Tis his Angel, fay they, and could not be perl fwaded tilt he came inandlbewed himfelf. So the foul is prayi~g,a mans own Spirit goes out md fees there is more unbelief and r,ear, fay no 'tis adelufion: ;veil ltheSpiridlill knocks, and the foul opens, and then he cow.es in, and che foul I is •l1onifheq. And that you may hav.eir, ' · i. See there pc no guilt upon thy confcience, rio re!Crvario~, 10\·e_, liking r_o ' 1 f01r.~ lttft, Heb. Io.zz. For thefefear! are commonly thefrutrof gmlc whtch ts \not waihed away, but bJ the blood of fprink.Jing. · . · \ ::!, Pray for rheSpiric, P(nlm 8 ).from 4_· to 9.fay they, I. Tt<rn NS fnmfur;; z . Turn from thJ ,.,rnh, when the Father ts angry,then no good word. 3· The :end , Thnt MY hearts mllJ rejoyce in thte. 4· Sl:ew us mercy. ~. Then chey 1'corr.e ·ro lifien after it , for many times a Friend fFeaks not liecaufe he ha!h us notalone. · 3· Moam heavily for wanrof it, Pfal. p.8. aRdfolookfor ir in a word. Labour to partake of the feilowihip of Chrills Refurreetioo, elfe no delires-can be raifcd up, Col.~· 1,2.. - • · .. ~ft. WhAt isthat1 · · Anf. Look as we then e fellowlbip with Chrill, and with the Church in miferies, IV hen We f tile feriou! apprehenfion of their for rows, condole and fuffer wirh chew., fo hrifi in Gjory,wheD from ferious dc:ep apprehenfions of his ~lory ,we reign w1 him, ·we ~re rifen with. him ; for let ~ man he. aJ!urcd Chrifl: is not his, if he knows nor.what t~e \yorr~ and glory of hts fellowihip 1s, a manwill then never I onoto bewith him : Oh therefore labour to comprehend cbisglory ofrhe ~ord];fus,an.dt~at by thefpirit.ofR~velation, Ephtf. 1, 17, 18. Theword reveals t be Glory of Samts, that there 1s akingdom, that they tball be • perftf1