Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Ope~ed and Applied. CHAP. XIii. · {ontaining a Vifco--very oj fjofpei~liypocrites. SECT. L tii THatthemofthidden f,;pocrites .ofthe pur'rjl 'ehisrchesHn·d·tr the Gifpei ti'e 0/.Jrrv.~~ E vangdica!,'or Gofpe! Hypocrites, ' · For rh~fe were foolifh were not fuch as in. ;tppearance relled in · the Law, 'or in 2 Covenant <lf Work<, buttbey b~d efcaped th6fe inran- ' g~ements, and no~v were Virg\ns . that. plead ~heir imerell in; and ~hcircommumon and fellowflnp, and love-knot wtdrChntt, rhey bad no\vrhetr Lamps rea- · dy, a.nd made much preparation for him , and rhey did wait for him , and verily looked to have eternal fellowfl,ip with him tbetr Beloved, infomuch chat rheY, rook theit fligh t fo high towards Heaven and Chrill, that they.palfed fo~ a time the . difceming of the wife : for you mutt know' that.where the Gofpel c6mes,there 'are two forrs of enemies again!l: it. ' , , . '. • . r. Open, and thofe are your J~tflici'aries, thatfeeking ·ro eltablith· r~r .own righreoufnelfe, and being putfed up ,with ir, can with pretended good confciences in doing Godfervice, op~fe therighteoufnelfeofGod. · · ' ' z. Secret anCiifllbcil enemte5; yei:feeming Friends, and rhefe are ydtir 'c:itnal Gofpellers that cry J:lown all their own righteoufnelfe, and cry up Chtiff, capr,i ,fee norhil)g in thc:mfelves, as there is ' good i:aufe fo to think , and look for ' ~il1 fr,om CHr.i!l:., _and yet thefe when the Lord comes to fearch are found falfe; · ;md• thefe are the WQrms that' grow in this wood, in this building, in tbefe ·Churchc;s: 'Thus it I'V~s in Chriih rime; rhe Ch!lrch of the Jews had left their grolfe idobtties, yet this was their !l:umbling-l~one, rhey fought to e!l:abliili their own righteoufnelfe, and.hence he c.tme'to hi >own, and his own received him nor, and hence were cub offf6r rhi$rheir un belief, but•0thers (divers fort~ ofthem) did receive bim,belee" ~~d 1n him, Joh;} i: ~ 3. Many t6~k hold on Chri!l:, and he took no hold on them; wondred at him, and enrertaitled himwhen other.s aid teJeCl him, as C~tptrnnilm did, yet under Bis\•iot'. 'Ana there are the fpot:S efEvangelical purity, we\m's in the. \Je,G bodies of the beG conGituted Churches. Loo!.< but uron Cbrifls own Family: John6.69,7o. The Difciples profelfed•when' orhersdeparred, L•rJ, t9 , whom foo~!d we J! .? thou ?aft '!'ords oflife ; yet faith he, I hnpe cf?~Jm yau. induJ to hef•r me, /Jut one- 'la devtl; Vtz. Judas the Deacon llood not on hts own nghteoufnelfe',pijt \Vas for Chrifl,atid followed 'him, and yet 'in this Evan~elical Aiigelwidlour, rs a Devil within; becauf~ h~: !l:ill barbotired'l\is lulls within. 1fhis the Apotlle PfU.l fbre-iaw, )JEts 2o.29,3o. !Si;) meWolves wi,thout)hould come, and alfo fome eahlier>within !hq'tJ)d fret,th,it !bbulp draw miny,Difciples·aftc!r them(in a Church bmlght by CbriHs Ciwn bldodrfpla/ing perverfe thrn•s,preren'ding·to draw Difciples after <;:hri.fl,but 'ris .indeed af~er themfelves; and P~~tl'lamepts this,M..r"J wnlk_).e. profclfe Chri!l: ano hi~ CrotTe, y'er~entmi!'s to it, ;Phi/. 3· 19;' This Chri!l: forerels;';Lul(r 'x i .1 {,26 ~ Many' {ee~;'t1tany knock, 'and a~ bfl ~·ry LorJ,Lord 1pm, and iri~~elr lifel. rii'ri~:: ine¥ pll!ide~'l:OOt'ijlunbit lvirh'ChriH,yer Departye w9rk!rs offni~ ~t'<ttf.: . Jude. 4· 0erFairl·nren1ai:~ crept in1:unli'ngGrace 1Rto Lafcivioufnelft ; ' for ~ha~'.i~the ~·ery'rorm of an Ev~rigellcal hyp,ocrite ,J' in deaying· his o\vrt righteoufnefie, to eltabliib his' fin=,:. 'ti's1:lavandng Chrill 'to advance his ,Lufl. The EpiiJlts ' R of