ten Virgins Openedand Applied. burns. Eph. 2, I. You bath he quick!zed, who were dead in jfns, i.e. you were held ---- as faH under the power of your fins, as a dead man is under the bonds of dearh : buc now in the room of chat dearh, there is the Spirit of life, and the life of rhe Spirit. Now life is an inward prin~iple of motion, of any thing inirs otvn place; as rhe fun, and trees, ~nd graife, ~nd carte~. You may r~k~ a!lone, or mil1lone, or wheel, and move 1t, yet they have no hfe, becaufe th1s 1s not from an inward Principlefo:. hypocrites may ?e. acted, and m?ved by the great power of the Spirit in an Ordmance, yet noc hvmg bur dead !hi. John 4· I4. che water (which is rhe Spirit) u afpring of living water in him. Cilterns may have warer m rhem, bur no fpring chat is nmning winter and fummer. 1 John 3. 9· This is called the feed remaining in him: which is chat new creation , new birth , which rhe verfe it felf expounds , fo char he cannot !in ; it is agaiofi his nature , now he cannot be a !inmaker. 'Bilia11mcould not curfe chepeopleof God; and many cannot do as others do. Why, is it, becaufe they are born of God ? No, but fromfomeother refpeets: andhence,M.r~t. I 3· 2I, the !tony ground fdlawat, becaufe they had nor cheroot within. This is called rhe inner man; the good crel-· fure of the heart, oppo!ite to the evil ureafure of the heart of a wicked man. Now , as an evil man aCts not only from Satan, the evil fpirit ; but the inward power of lult; fo the Saints, Mat. u. 3 5. And here I intend not to lhew what this inward Principle is parcicularly , for that I rererve to the two Iafi points. Yer, Iea!t any lhould Rumble, let me fpeak to uvo forts. I. Know fome of you, that there is not only external actings of the Spirit from whence we aet, but a new nature in the Saints. z. Let others know, I. That as before the Lord cals we are dead, fo after 1ve are alive this inward principle is not perfeCt kere : Hence aCtions fomerimes ceafe, and when they do nor, yet are corrupted, as 1£/~JprincipitJ aCt, but ever erre in their aet, hence have need of pardon from and acceptance in the Lord Jefus. z. That this is not in us as io Adam, who did not need to borrow life of another, but it ltands in daily need of the Lord JeftJs, and hence this inward principle aCts, but •cis by faith, the operations of which are the W3gons to v.iClual the camp continually; efpecially in rime of need,.and which is pm of this inward principle; andhence I Pa.1.5. Youttre kJpt bJ power and faith, i. your • fouls, graces, lives are kept by the Spirit; but through faith in us to f alvmion. Let me therefore prove thefe three things to you for opening of this point. I. That the Spirit of the Lord Jefus is in the fouls of thefairhfull. 2, Th~t there is a principle of created graces, or the life of the Spirit in them. 3· That from this principle of the Spirit difpenfing ·himfelf by his graces, our lamp burns, our aCts of profeffion 1 pring and lhine forth. Fir!t, That the Spirit of Jefus is in the foules of the faithful!, I John z. 27. The anoimi11g te.tcketh 7ou all thingJ. Rom_. 8.I ~· '(he Sp~rit that raifed 11p Je(m ftom the de.td dwelJ m m. The manner of h1s bemg mus I mtend non 'to meddle with, unleife I faw more caufe: I do .beleeve rkle manner of his abiding in us, and his nearneife to all the Saims, when feen of us, may aHonilh our own fpirits, and fhall oneday cGnfound all the world ; Only know, as the Martyr faid, He u · come,heucome. The fpirirof theworldandSatao isca!tout, ICor,2.I2, and in room ~;~f them enters the Spirit ofGod. Secondly, That the Spirit fo is ia the faithfull, as that there is a principle of , created graces in them, or an inward principle of life and grace. Not chat chefe alone make this inward principle, but the Spirit in us working of them, working by them. And truly 'tis afad thing if the proving of fuch apripciple lhall bean attributing coo;nuch to grace in us·. . . I. Therefore to deny this is to deny ChriA: eo be our fanetification : For befide the pallive obedience of Chrill, we are juilified by his aCtive obedience alfo, Z 3 i.e.