Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

1· 186 - 'The 'Parable of th~e--- .1----. lilh Virgins did nor afterward beg their Ve!fels, bm their Oy!e. 4· The wifdome of Lhe Wife did appear, in rhar they did provide Oyle for rheir Ve!fds. Ifrherefore the Ve!fel be ChriH, therein !yes t~e wifdo:n of the Wife, that they got t~e Spirit for ro J?Ut imo Chritl,·and rhe folly of the foolitl1, rhey gor not the Spmt ro put m to hm1. Or the one go: Chntl ]efus full of rhe Spiri:; .the otl}er, Chri!l: Jefus void of ir. When whoever lmb Chriit, muft have m h1m the fulnefs of the Spirit alfo. Ufe 5· Of Exhort. ·5. The other interpretation crotfeth the ~r.ain fcoFe of this pm of the parable, which is to l11ew the difference between the Virgins; all profe!fed Chri£t, Nent to meet the Bndegroom; but here was the difference, rl~ey never loo~ed for to get the Spirit in them: and this is moiJ fuitable ro men raifed om of rhe dre<>s of Popery, where Works beingabolilhed, Chriit is o;vned,and therein do weU, but herein fJil . . Thus you h$e heard rbe ufe of Tryall negatively. Wb.1r rhis inward Princtple is affirmatively, you have generally he.1rd; and !hall more particularly in che other two Doetrines. Only this I will add; it confiHs of two pans. 1. Our life in Chrin by Faith. z. Chrifts life in us by his Snirit. Faith empties the Soul, and looks upon it as de.1d, and fees m hfe latd \tP m Chrill; ·and hence forf.1kes 1t f<;;lf, and embraceth rhe Lord ofGlory. Sq:ondly, tbe Spirit comes and }:ofie!leth a forfa~en empty 1-loufe, and there lives and dwels. Both there rhe Apoltle ~er.~­ rions,Ga/.2.20. Eph. 3· 17. Joh. r )··<t· As two, married coge1her, their Souls live nor where they arc, bur in each orher : The one c~res ll0l how to pleafe her felf, but her husband ; and e contra. So th,u lean any 1\ e~k Soul fhould be difcouraged, that thinks there is no Principle of Life, bccaufe fuch a bliHd, empry dead heart,wandring from God,& c. Nay, w\~en the Lord quickens ir, Oh its lolt agJin! Nay, when quickned,ohrben when it comes ro,it is feeble! I reil you it mu!t be fo. This makes you lay up your life in him : this de,1th is your life. And letfi any f1l.fe hem D1ould be here deceived, that faith he hatb Chrifi; If 1ou have not the Spirit •f Chrifl, rou are none o.f his. The Sainr; have this femerime, their Te t:ple is tilled with G\Qty; and for their general courfe, they are Ad:Pirecs of the Lord ]efus ; and account his Life, ro be Life, ~nd all their life be!ide robe a continual death. There is not any Grace but they fay, oh that I h.1d it! , SECT. V. TO every !mn,as ever you look robe with ChriO: Jefus another day, get this ovle ;n your Veflels. The Lord cloth m this Parable fer before yom eyes the etfue of the purefi Virgin-Churches and Profelfors in tbe world, and it is hi< inf'inire love to tell us before-hand,· before the ume be pafi ; ro tell us, that many of rhefe l11all be l11ut out from the prefence of the Lord jefus, who!!l themfeh·e; and others think f11all nor, and yet this love. would be but lurle, tmlefs rhe Lord had m~de known the caufe or defect in not getting oyle to their Ve!fels. Oh confider therefore, here you are like to fail ; you that have Lamps before the cry and Bridegroom comes, acknowledge ChriHs love, and be overco:ne by it to ge: oyle into your Veffels; when Rahab knew that the Lqrd 1~ould defl:roy all Jericho, now 111e ]jtys about her ro preferve her 1tfe• . WbJt s the means ? To tie the Scarlet thread at th<! window: Oh lhe would be fure to get and keep thar,rhere. You know rheLord Jefus will come and difco•'er che unfound profeffion,and defl:roythealoryof the World,and <;;hurches roo: It may be you have had !o"!le fears, wh;~.~ifhe thouid cur me off, and ca!l: me out as jXlfGbly ae may? and I may as well as eminent Profe!fors. I tell y;:,u, none. ever rerdhed