ten Virgins Opened and Applied. c:mle rhei: fo:rns are m<!lre drownd in th<!ir matter; fen!itive in be1Hs, yet not rJtional ; r.ltiol1ll in men, but not Angelbl, &c. So here; a greater degree of d.e Sr>irir> working, nukes a difference in kind bet wee~ Chriflian and Chril!ian. 'Tis the Spirit dur makes aman hve a ovll moral hfe, 'm the fame Spirit by a 8relterltro~;e, m~ke; ,a ~w1 live the l~fe of God, Eph-4-r8. Yet here are· rwo kit1ds of hvc; as far mfferent a; fenfiuve and vegetanve; and rhouph the rational bath both, yer 'tis neither of both. So though a Saint lives the ·life of re.1fon and morality, yet there is anorhedife he hath, wnicb dmh differ from rhele of a higher degree, and of another kind. I do nor Cty therei0re that a fincere f0t~l only barb agreater degree of the_ fame Grace, _b_ur rhar he is diHinguithed by~ gre,uer degree ofGrace ~nd workmg of the Spn1t ofGrace from anunfound 11e.m. As .t man may loYe another, bur not wrrh a con;ugal lovt, Here is now a decr·ee of love, buc not ofthe fame love, for 'ris not a whircomuv,ll; it might di~1 be iinful in foy.e men , fo 'ris h<;re. A nm1 thar h.uh filledhis fto!mck wi rh meclt may have fo1r.e defire after. Lt,bur POt m hr;ngrydelire, mr in., rh 1t degre~; hence nor hungry at all. So the fluggard deJires and hath not, a cJtnal heart dc!ire' , and anerher deii;es the Lord ]dit' ; a cm1al !lt ·ggilh he.m defires and h tth nor, bur anorber hungers and i' nlld; he hat h nor anycb•ree of the fa il~ C hunger. '[is rl'erefo~e granted rhere ar~ Jefires, and 'joye;, and light, and "rowth in f.tlfe.hems , bur there is n0r that fulne!fe of joy, rh.lt f!tlnefie of light~ rh at fulneflc of the Spirit which is in the Faithful , and here rhey ever fall lhort. Yet note, . I I. There is not aperfect rr.eafure; nor rhe fulne!fe that flnl! be when our fouls !hall be gathered to them that are made rerfect. . z. Nor yet th.lt rhe:e is rhao fulne!fe the Saints aicn at ; for 'tis the refurreetion they aim at, Phil.3.12,13,I4. 3· Nor yer a glu tting fulnefle, that men have .Manna enough, and fay, rhe main work is wrought, and that is enough : ~ot fttch a fulr~efs as farisfies their appetite fro'lllonging for m::>re. Bur wh1ch fmsfies and qtuets the~ir Confcience iB regard of the .uprightne11e of their fouls before the Lord. SECT. IT. B U T for the more full and clear explication of this roinr, I !l1all ihew you theie rlm~e thing,. · · r. Thtr Hyp•xritcs may have fame inward touches of Gods Spirit. 2. Th1t the very reafon cfrheir falfene!fe is becaufe they have no more-than fuch to1·che' or tlro.1ks• . 3· Th 1t rhe~e is a fulne!fe theS.lints co:ne to, which others want. To be fhe1ved ~ r. Polirively. z. Negacively. I. That Hyrocrites may han nor only;outward !hews, but fame inward lighter Hroaks of G0ds Spirit. A3 I 1. Of the Spirit rdhaining and confining, nay benumming of corruption, ~s Pnul was bl~:ne!efs, nay .he had no mind nor will to many fins, nay did not thmk he had any living con:empt and enmity of God in his heart. Hence Rom·7·9· l •ris ~aid, when rhe_Command ct~me Jin r~vived. Was it npt living before? Yes, but u was afleep, 1t was benummed, hke cold Snakes, but nor killed. z•. Of the Spirit preve:uing a~d exciting unro :n~ny, nay, to any duty of~ he 1 Law m general, ·and rh.1t fomenme by fears of m1fery and rerroursof rhe Law, I Deur.5.23. 'And fomtime by_ love and mercy, morally affeCting rhe he:~rt, Exod.I9·'h5,6. Youhave heMd what ·the Lord hath d•r.e, will,ounowenttrint• , Covenant? r.