~~~ \_-"--___T_h_e_'l_') a_r_ab__ le_o_.::_if_th_e_~--l . [covenant! Yes, yecwhJtt>faidofrhe:n? Pf.tl.78·37· ThrJ"errfalftinGods ·Covenant. _ 3· There may be fome operative and quickning Grace of the Gofpel, Heb.6.4: They werr enl,ghtened, t-ee. 4· There may be lo:ne edifying and cooperating gifts of Law and Gofpel, where'Jy aman may not olJly be ui"eful and helpful w fome, bur to rhe Church of God, asrhofe rhar did prophecy in Chrith Name. And rhefe may befo inward, rhat rhey think rhemle\ves clean an<-1 fincere; as Abime/ech. II. Th\lt rhe re.1fon of their unfoundnefs is becaufe rbey have no more rl1an lighter !lroak~ of Gods Spirit. As I might lhe.v in all rhefe, Paul is blamelelfe, yet far enough from havino I fin 1111mified by Chrilt, and hence profefferh , We did ferve divm Lujfs, Tit.3 .t The Jfrael,wcry out, they will do what God will have them: Yer Ohthatthm were fuch "" heart! Deur.s.zp. They in He1 1.6, were enlightened .tnd tafted, \ y:r fell. - He therefore adj s, We are petfwaded ( v.9. ) bttterthings ofyou, They d1dprophejie in Chrifts Name, Mar.7. Yet dtpart from me J011w•rk!rs ofiniq,.ity. I Bur fee ir more particularly, Mar~(_ 12.3 3. SJirh rhe Scribe to him, To loverhe Lord, oh 'ris better than all burnt Offerings. Some Jews did reH there, bur negllecred the inwmt w0rk; bur rhi> man, rhe inward work was prized in his judg- \menr, be h.1d both profeflion and fo:ne affeCtion: And w.1s he nowenrred inro 1 rhe Kingd<>me of God?. No. Here w.1s his wound, he fell tl1orr ofir fome ·degree>. Hence its f.1id, thou artnat farfmn the Kingdom of God. So ri:Je Jfraelires , Why did 11ot . they enter? W.1s nor the Land good? Oh ye;! That 1 1 report rhe worH ofrhe Spies brought : Bur their heart' were nor uken with rh~ goodnefs of ir, a> Calebs and Jofhu~ths were. And hence they were lhur out, Numb.q ·"7· & 14·7,8,z4. So it is h~r.e. So an unfound he.m may be enl lighrened, as 'ris there, Heb.6.4,5. Bur there is amarvdlous light which they never have, they have not fuch a d~gree, 1 Pet.2.9. And hence, Deut.29.2,3,4o The Lord hath not givenJOU eyes to fee to thu dttJ· Did rhe Lord give rhem no eyes i ro fee, no heahs to be affeC\ed wirh what rliey did fee? Why came they then 1 our of Egypt? Why did rhey Gng when dlcy faw Pharaoh drowned? Why : rbey had nor fuch eyes and fuch hearts as Mofes had, nor untQ rhat day. So for turning to rhe Lord. Do nor many unfound beans turn over a new leaf? Do rhey nor, not only ourw.1rdly, bur inwardly too? Where is rhe flaw rhen? In rbe degree, ]er.3.10. Judah hath not turned with her whole heart, bnt treacherouf!-y. So there m.1y be fo•11e growth and life ia falfe unfound hems, rhar'niay after fall aw.1y : Bur whc~eis rhe wound? Look in the Parable of rhe Seed ; So~ne grew nor ar all; fo:ne did grow, bur nor having depth of earth, fell ,ag.,in : Others fell n0t in pet-fecurion, but there were rhe roors of Thorns that f cho.lkt rhe Seed; the good grounds feed came ro ripeneTfe ancl. fulnefs offruir, rh0ugh fome in a gre.1ter degree th.m others ; yer none ar all ( no ripe fruit) in rhe reil-. Hence rhe Lord is fa id to weigh the heart, Prov.I6.z, Men think they I are humbled, and do be!ieve, bur God finds them too light, as Belfh,.=ar wM l weighed and fonnd too light. And thus in~ill be feen arrhe !all d;ty, whe~ Chrill ' Jefus tlu\1 appear, rhar all the moll glonous Profeflionof many a man ts there- .fore rejecl:ed, beoufe found too lighr. t III. Th1r rhere is afulnelfe which rbe Sainrs h•ve, and which orhers falllhorr I of. Which I tlni\11Jew, ! J. Pofitively and affirmatively from ~vhJt h.lth been faid, Pr~v.n.z6, Th.ei righteom is more exceflent. John I:J-,1.7, n:hom th~ world c;rnnot rewve, becttUfe tt k:frms him not, There 1s rhat Sp1m 111 Samts wh1ch no unregenerate man kn?ws, hence det1res nor. Recaufe he dwells in you, he dotb not only f~nd fome g1frs, ' or workfo•11wharrhere, bur he dwells there, he fits the heart. Hence rheend ; I ofChrifts death is, to purchaftto him [elf a peculiar people, TiP •14· Offu~h. a ' .-i._ ___ I fpmr,