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ten Virgins Openedand Applied. fpirir, fucb boiinefs ~bar on~y rbemfelves know. So 'ris that which all rhe Prapbers prefs ro, w a hi_!?her ptcb ; and hence rbar dmge of Jofh. 2 2. 5, And •ris apeculiarfruir of Election, Eph.r+ r. To be holr. z. 1Jefore him. 3. Jn love. II. Negarivelr,. If rber~ fhould non b~ f~ch a. difliriguifuing fulriefs; r. Then rbe whole M1m!lry ofChnll: Is 111 vam; ;md fo dclhoyed, for what is rhe end of char, that God raiferh up any Mini!lers in rhe Cbl.lrcb, but this, Af1s 26. r8. To tHrn men fi:or;; dark.._nejfe to lit,ht. If ibis light was only char in Heb.6.4~ then rhe end of the Mm1ltry was ro work hypocnlie. Aadfrom the power ofSatan to God, there the Lord leaves them nor, bur thnt theJ ?1MJ receive remiJ!ion offins, &c. - z. Ifrbere lbould nor be this fulnefs, mofi of the Promifes fhould be dellroyed, and Gods Fairhfulnefs fail, and-the Saiilrs be deceived. Fo, Promifes are made to rhe:n chat mourn, to them char hunger, eo them char believe, &c. Now many Hypocrites mourn, and delire, and the H~my grdund believed. Then ir feems the promife is non rrue. Y cs, and therefore there mufl: be ano~her kind ofmourning, another and higher degree of the Spirit of Faith, &c. i;e. not of the fame Faith, but of another kind of Faith. 3· If nor, then all ChriHian endeavour after a hi~her meaflire ofGra£e fhould bedell:royed. For if any man only bath Chrilt m his eye, dm he m~y, have him, I fay chat is fweet; bur Hay you !ball never have: him, unlefs you receive him. Oh bur many receive him! as John z.z 3· yer Chrilt commited not himfe/f to them, for he Jaw whatthrywere. Now therefore if you regard nor rbemeafure, i.e. fuch akind of receiving of him, you willn~ver fec:k for ir, pray for ir, nor learn to know it. And hence •ris faid, Prov.r 5·•4· The way of life is lfbgve to the righteom, If it were n,ot above, of that height, be would never come over difficulties to ir. · 4· If nor, there is no true hope that <ny man cap !:Jav.e: But'ris uttrerly def!royed, r John 3·3· He that .hath this hope purgeth him[elf. I am as good as fuch aone: Bur, .u Chrift is pure. That is his Copy and his Pattern. 5. The very people ofGod are dellroyed from having a being in rhe world; if this meafure makes not rhe ditfc:rence. Ifir be reji>lied, the Lord Jefus makes rhe di tference. 'Tis very uue, rhofe that are in Covenant, rhey have God to be their God, that makes one difference ; but if there be not fome peculiar workmanlhip of rhe Spirit in rbem, then though they have God their God, yer the fecond p.m 0f the Covenant is de(lroyed, i.e. 1 hey are nor the Lords peculiar people that have more than c0mmon wa!h-work. For we are not only rhe Lords people by choyce and purchafe, bur by new CreatioR alfo, Ifa.64·7 ,8, 9· SECT. Ill. HEnce we fee rhe li~ht of no Grace is no part of a Chrillians Grace and Ho- Ufo i. linefs. The five t'oolifh Virgins were not fhur out becaufe rhey did not fee they bad no Oyl, but becaufe when rhey did fee ir, (as the Lord will make you fee it firH or lafi) they did not get fucb ameafure artd quantity of it as might fill their Velfd. You may go dovvn to Hell with complaints I have nothing, ttnlelfe the eternal Spirit work fomthing at lafl: in you. ·Benee rake heed ofqnencbi1,g and limiti11g rbe Spirit of God, when it's work- uf. 2 · ing upon and breathing in your hearts at any time, in any means. Becaufe you ;e • may then falllhorr of this meafure of ir, and fo be thut out at laH. · Look as it 1 •v:as wirl:s the Ifnte!ites, 'ris faid of them, chat they could not drive out the Canaamw, t.e. rbey would nor by re1f01~ of their iloath ; and hence they were pricks, nay fnares to rhe:n. So the Lord begins ro work fl:rartgely upon fome men, bur Cc they