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ten Virgins Opened and Applied. I9) f kno1 vn t0 the~nfelves rhe better. As Saul, he harh a rempration only ofa com- ---- ·~ mand, when he had nmhing ro caufe him rtl Hoop ?ur ir, yer he fell rhere• .so 'riswith many others rhat Goddoth much for, he rnes them, Rom·5·5· Tnbr:- lation works trial, and that!Jope. Prov.I7·3· Ifyou would k~ow w~er h~ r : r will hold weight, the trialwrll reil yqu. Look ·you rhere, and . 111 fpecul, 1f H drives to Prayer, fear nor. ------------~-------·------------~----~-- CHAP. XX. IVherein is gi'Yen a more Lar¥,e and FuU account of that F ulnejfe of (j_race that is in/ 'Believers, cu to the Several Parts th.ereof, and ho"Pl the mofl (j loriaus Hypocrites come Jhort in all. SECT. l . M ft:ke therefore a narrow le~rch whether you ve rhls Fulnefs of the Spi- Ufo 3· morno. · what is this F ul.,ejfe ? · When rheSpirit comesin' rheroomof thofe ~hings which a man isfu!l ~j!. of now. For fulnefs or filling implies emptinefs, and the removal of r.sar. An[w. Now rhere are fix things every man is fu.ll of. I. Sin 3. Unbehef. · 5. Self. z. Darkne[s. . 4· Sa~an. 6. World. So there is anfwerabl y in every Sainr, I. A Fulner~ of humiliation for fin. , 2. A Fulnefsofilluminarion andrevelation,in rheroom of darknefs. 3· A Fulnef<;. of F.1ich,in rhe room ofunbelid. 4· A Fulner~ of rhe Spirir iE felf, in the room ofSatan. · 5. A Fulnefs of SanCl:ification in aCl:ing for God as their laLT end , in the room of fclf-feeking. 6. A Fulnefs ofGlory and Confolation, in Ile1d of the world. I. Fulnels of humiliation under fin,oppofite t.:> fulnefs of ftn. · For every hypocritical hem barb cmnmonly fome humiliation and calling down, which is rhe fir!t Principle of alt his Profeffion, and lrence can tell you of his miferable ellare rhar once he lived in, and for which he was troubled , but ir w.1s never deep enough. there was before•his terrifying, a full power, I ~ fulnefs of rhe do11inion of fin, his humiliation for fin, never reached, never came to rhar fulnefs or meafure, fo as eo deliver rhe foul from· char. For I do nor accounc rhar true humiliation whereby a mans he1rt is renr, troubled and tormented with fin, but whereby 'tis rent from fin; nor from che being, but from rhepower, not from rhebondage of!ome, bur yerfrom the power of all. For if rendingwith fin {hould be'humiliation, rhen rbe Devils fhould be more humbled t~en any. Then alfo a man may have coo much ofhnmiliation, and ofGodsSpi1 m, Ifrendingfrom the being of all fin lhouldbe hnmiliation, then no man li- . Cc 2 ving