ten Virgins Opened and Applied. , Anf;;. It might fuffice to evidence rhis _again!l: all gain-fayers, that rhus 'cis, and fo to know ir byrhe Spirits w,rnefs, I"Vhtch !hews us rbe rhmgsfreely gtven of God) who to fave the Lord a trying another da~, . mes us now, and makes known rhefe hidden works. EfFecia!ly fee111g fome DIVlnes think, that as the firll Adllm . conveyed this fin of Na~ure, I nor knowi~g; ,f? the fecond A dam dorb_ alfo remove rhis by an immedme ftroak, I concel~ ns fG> alfo, but not only by tr; ,And therefore rake r\voEvidenc.:s now. ~ · . · . . 1. Where-ever'rhis is dbne, ·rhat foul dorh nor only fe~rhis fin, for fo an unregenw.re Paul did, Rom·7·9· Where jin'' revi;;ed, &c. And rhe Wotd is. a divider ofjoynrs anJ Mtlrrow. Nor do rbey only.fee\ rhts as ~n evt!, and fo be much troubled with ir, bur when the Lord make; the dejetted foul fed it as its greare!l evil, fo long as it remains in its being ; ( as ir will ) worfe than dearh, rlian bell, rh m all affiietions, and miferics. 'Ti• not a'panicular fin, bur this rhar he feels rhus. You will f;~y, this is a high pitch. I fay, confider if any man was evr<r humbled under fin, bur hedur felr lin as iris. •; For if I feel it 1.1or~s 'ris, I am deceived. Now •ris rhegrcrareft evil; To depart from a living God is worfe than for foul and body and all creature; todeparu from me.To make Godmifer<rble is worfe than for all cremm:s ever to be made fo, ;mcll.in in irs.tendencie cloth fo, being a crofs to his Will,' Jfa.I.24· Hence he th,u fec:ls it indeed, feels it fo; rhe begitming o fwhich is a !(mow and mourning after God, rh~r ir might be fo, Ifa.63.17. why h4f hardned onr hearts ftom•thy fear? Bur thus 'ris indeed, Rom.7.24. Anc;l when 'ris rhus, itwill hold .rhus rill Qearh, while rhe caufe remains ; nay the Ill'. ore life and love,- the more tender it grows ; fenincr alide fome carelefs firs. Aud hence its grearefl: joy is to think of the rime ir lhafi be for ever holy. .And hence -acwunts no fuch :mercy as to be fer atliberry ro live 10 God indeed. A gracelefs hem fees and fears it, .and cries out of himfel f for it ; bur !lay a while, and he loferh his renderne(>, either becaufe he cannot part with ir, or becaufe of Chtifl:, he looks now to him, o_r becaufe he lmh now tome fprinkling of the Spirit, nature is eafed thereby, and he is quieted; and hence never any carnal fiearr, but fome root of birrerncfs did grow up at !aft in this Soy!. Hence Ordinances profit nor, bec~ufe feeling is loll. Bur the foul rhus feeling it, beholding rhe Holinefs ofGod and Love ofChrirl:, and it~ conHant wirhdmvings, refi!lings, oh it curs deep I 2. Then the nature is changed, when rbe Confcience being Hill and quier, and the foul alfured of rhe Lords love, yet nothing gives the he.1rr quiet rill 'ris contiguous ro God in Chrill to enjoy him, in hi> Holi'nefs, and in the love and d~ ~ighr of ~is whole will. For ~his is a.cert.lin Rule, If the n.uure be nor changed, tf Cpnfctence be bur once qme1ed WHh the fence ofGods love, and affeCled wirh it, and bath nor God indeed, nor his work to quiet ir, it will fall ro luilincr afrer Creatures and live upon rhem, and feed the htmr there. For as 'ris imp~ffible for a m~n to liv~, or robe without provilion, fo !be world berng provilion .for rhe flefh, meat, dnnk, !leep, and thefe lawful th111gs, there w cloth and will lie qui(!t without God. Bur now where the nature is changed, and there is another nature, there is fo:mhirig elfe provided for it to Ji,·e on, and rhat is the Lotd;u,d his Will. As Chri!l faid, 'tis my meat and drinluo do his will. And Ro:n.7.22. 1 d(light in the L11w ofGod in the mner mM. There was fomwhat rbat loathed it, bur there was fo :nwhat elfe delighted in ir, and there lies its life, and tbouoh rbe hem would reil and give over fo'lltimes, yet 'tis a Law of the 111ind that rli~ fdul bath, he can have no reil, Rom.8.) . And therefore rake achild of God, let hin1 haveme~r, drink, !leep, bleffing in his Calling, pre!ch, pray, and have bbholir, yet f ewtll conHanrly come ho'll.e to the Lord mourmng. What dorh all this do me go:>d? When I rife up, lie down, ear, drink and pray, and do· all withour him? An umuned hem all this while. Theworld Gands benveen him and rhe Lord aU this while, bur rbis dorb not. Ma!)y a lincere ~eartharh heavy comptaims,