2.00 Cor.clu.I. Conclu.z. 'The 'Parable of the --------------------- .~---------------1 plaims, and many doubts, becaufe •tis nor thus; this rather is an evidence of peace, than Gods war againft it. Its an old Rule, he that can live ix;t Heaven /Pall ; and there is nothing but aGod ro fuck in, and breach our, and live unto: Is this uhy Element now ? Oh confider and examine• your felves here you poor Saints, that you may be comforted. Others of you, if now you do not, the Lord Jefus will another day and bring thefe fecret things of darlmefs to lighr. If thou findeft this was neve; yer done, know it, all thy tears, and fears, and prayers have been in vain ; and uader the power of fin aFld Satan thou ftill art, through the fierce wrath ofGod againH thee: And there I lea,'e thee till the Lord find thee out. SECT. II. II. AFulnefs of Illumination in the room of darknefs. B. UT let it be firft noted that I fpeak not here of Revelations of future Events. Wlnen Virgin-Churches !hall fall a dreaming, 'ris a fign they fall a ileeping. Nor of revelation of new Doctrines, nor yewf che Love ofChrift and a!furance thereof; but of the Perfon ofChri!l:, a werk common to all the EleCt and nor peculiar ~o fome, forChrill may not appear in his promife of love for~ time to a fincere hem, yer this is then wrought. I f4all therefore txprefs my thoughts herein in four Conclufions. , r. That all unregenerate men are under the pol'l'et of darknefs, efignorance, Eph.5.S. You ~ere dlfrk!effe i'n the ab!l:raet, Epho'f.I8. So that theJcrmnot ~tnderjftmd the things •f the Spirit ofGod, I Cor.z.14. Efpecially the Lord Jefus, for the knowledge of him is above nature, not only corrupted but pure nature. Nay though the Lord gives the beft and cleareft means of revealing himfelf, yec they cannot fee, John I. 5. Light Jhined in dark?fejfe, and it comprehended him net, no more than be whofe vilive faculty is loll:, when the Sun ihmes round about him. Nay, that light whichisinrhem is darknefs, M~tt.6.z3. Azd th~n how great is that darknefs ? For many men might have known Chrill, but char they thought they did know him before, and fo are delivered up in thefe chains of darknefs to the Prince of darknefs, b11t are like l'l'ildernefs-ihrubs, fhall never fee when good comes. Minillers (as Chri!l: did ) may mourn over them, but can never help them unti l the Lord pull off their fcales. For they pleafe themfelves in darknefs, and love it more thanlighr, and are not as P~~Hl, praying and mourning under the Scales that are upon their eyes. . z. ThattbGre is a !l:ate of li~ht to which God calls his people only; orrather, that there is a fpirit of Light, Illumination or Revelarion let ineo the mind, which is PeculiJr to the Beloved of Chrill, 1 Pet.2·9· As of other things, fo efpecially of the Lord Jefus, zCor+4•5,6· And 'ris fo Glorious a VYorkthac Chri!l: himfelf admires the Father, and !l:ands in a raviihment acit, Mat. I 1.25. To Blf~es, uncapable ofall others of knowledge; yet to tkem cloth the Lord re-'• veal fome things that the wifell in the VYorld never knew. I do believe elm the greateft Scholar rhat ever lived, never had one fuch thought or apprehe11fion of the Lord and the things of the Lord, as the Saints have. And hence Chri!l: profe!fet h, oh blej?ed lfYeJoureJes thAt th;y fee; and themfelves blefshim, and fall a wondring many times, Lord why dojt m~~nifeft thy felf to us, ~~nd 11/Jt to the world? And therefore tis an injury to the Grace of God, to make precious things common, and all rhe work ofthe Spirit on the under!landing to be common to Reprobates, andcofay, thedifference lies only in cheworkoftheSpirituponthe will, John 6.45. He thAt hlfth heard ~~nd klfrned uf the Flfther, comes to me. If ' the Learning of the Father be common to a Reprobate, then either they may come