· f ten Virgins OpenedandApplied. [;oht of him, bur now it cloth thus, and now tbar Glory is revealed, John r .r4. ~beheld hu Glor; M the Glor1 •J.th~ only btgmen Son. In every :rrmh then~ is a Glorywhich men fee not, and th1s 1s called 111 Scnpture, the ji~td111g oft he Pr.rr fe, Malti;. 3 i-J'I;; fo beholds him in his Glory, as t<har he now elleems of him in all his Glory. For aBa/aammayfee the Glory of the Tems ofl[r11tl, and the Star of , Jacob, bucrheyellecmnorofhimin all his Glory. The damnedin Hcllfeea Ulory in Chrifi, e.lfc :hey wou!d n~er griev.e for rhe lofs of him, , but 'cis only in rcg.trd of fomrhmg 111 Chrr!t, del.tv~nng Sa1ms from farrows they feel. Nay mmy Reprobates under a hvely }ftmftry, Onll fee fome Glory mChnH and in Saints, ro think them the hJppy men! yec not ellee:n of him in all his Glory ; bur 'cis otherwife here. The Lo;d anferh as the Sun upon the emh, which makes all rhings that have any Glocy to appe~r therein, and it puts a Gle>ry on every thing, thar was hid before. So Chrifl puts a Glory on every thing of himfelf: So chat, I 1. The foul fee> a Glory in the Grace of Chri/1, John 1,14. Forthe Glory l of C~n!ls Perfon is not fee~1 witbout tbefe excellencies, Luke r .46. My foul maf!.nifies the Lord. • I 2. AGlory in the Holinefs of Chrill, I[a.6.3. Efpecially to conllaer, it's in him wmake me hoJy, 2 Cor.3. r8. 3· A Gl?ry·in his Covenant and Promife?, .Pfal.-t5•I,2. Oh that all tbofe Prom~ Q11ghr.be made good to me I Thts ts all my delirc, 2 SiV!1.z3·5· 4· UGlory m the Government and CommaHds and Wtll ofChnfl. Oh if once I could in every thing give coment to his hem!P[nl.r9.Io.Thar Fhe foul had rather lofe all than crofs hiswill in a fmall thing, feeing a Glory in rhe leall Truth, incatting offa Cere'Tlony, &c. Zach.<S.13. 5· AGlory in all the Ordinances of ChriLt. Oh how ami!lbl~arethJ ·Tabern::~ des oh God! Oh the Fellowfhip of Saints! Oh ~he peace on Sabbath;! 6. A Llory in all his cmiage. · let him blefs me with outward e!tare, rhouoh bur a lirrle. This is the allowance that Chrifi in Glory provides for me. L~r bim threaten me, good u the word of the Lord. Let him defert rn.e, his anger is lvve : Oh rhat is Glorious! lee him rake all from me. reproach me, Mo[ts eftmns Chrifls reproachgreater riches than EgJP'• which i,s our e!bte 1lere. Ir fees aGloryin Jlll Chrilts waies, md quiets it fclf here, , it u the Lord, as E/ifaid. Thus Saims fee wd dkem ofChrifl in all his Glory, and we lhall find a falfe hem ever falls lhorc here, .a lincer,ehearrnever, bur commonly is fo rakenup with ir, that if you ask, fuppofe you lhould have all Grace, Holinefs , Promifes ofChriH,&c. Wouldnor this be n;ercy? Yes, enough : I lhould then boll1 in him, and b!efs him for ever. And hence Chrill is called, 141ft! z. 3-3· tl: ~ Gior; •f Ifr.ul, becaufe they fo el1eem him. And If~t.z8+ In th111 d'!Ythe Lordj17allhe a Diadem of Glory. Others may in horrour p.rizeChrill above the world, but 'cis only to ea~ them. IV. I add, he efleems him thus, I. As his prefem good ; fo that if the lord doth withdraw or deny himfelf, now unro him ,nothing in rhis world can forrhepr,efent"!uiet him, J"·5o-4,5. Hence rhofe in their judgrnen~s acknow)edge Chri!l theg~earell good, al}d when rheyare d~ing, and f~>e lie will be fo at' l'!ft day, yec now for die prefent a little 1110re liberty inlin, floach, htlt, honour, gain, Lots, large accomodou:ion,s are better. You never f'w him~ Oh vile wor)d ! the lord will one day condemn thee our of eHne OW11!1lourh; chy own will was more dc:_ar eo thee rhan his; this \VQrlds eafe bener rhan his pe~ce, &c. W~en you lie on your Death-beds, you e~ee:n hi:n chen. Why? Becaufe he ferves your turn then : Hence before you dtdnor. · · 2. As thetreltefi good,DeHt.33.26. Jer.xo.7. Hencerhofc tbatfeefome Dd2 good