The 'Parable of the ---- ~ood in Chrill and defirehim,, and offer f.1ir for him, but prize him not as the "reueltgood: And hencewtth the young man, though conrem ro ·p•rr with lomwlw, not with all, they will cafl: their rags downac Cbriih feet; :mdintreat him eo t.;ke away their fins ; but will not ca(t their Crowns down, the deareft things chey have: And hence rhe 1horny-ground-Profeffors ever fall aw.1y. .The good things of this world whicll they forfook in time of perfecmion, were dearer than Chriit, and hence they fall away. 'Tis a diJ11onour eo a King to be valued as other rr.enare,Zach.II,I2,1). 1objeil:. Anfw. Ohjefl. Anfw. ohjea. Anfw. 3· As the only good, I[a.24.23. The Sun jlJtt!l h confounded, &c. And thouoh other things m.ay He.1l into their hearrs for atime, yet they recover themfelve~; this is the one thing, P[a/.1.7-4- rh.lttbey b~g in this life. And hence do fall tborr, 1. Thofe tbatdleem Chriil as men do MerchJndife; they would f.1in have it, but are loath cofet:h it• . Men may elleem Chriil, as they think,.the only good; but here:n rhe1r fJllenefs appears, th,lt th~y negleC1: mcms to tt, becaufc they haYe fo:r.e good elfe ro quiet them. And here is cvndemned al! lazy Profeffion. z,. Thofc th1t Wfllt1d have Chriit, and efteem him highly, and ufe means for him dili::;enrly, but rhey mull havQ_Chrifl, and wor!d,and lult, and e.1fe wo: Cbrill to q~ier tl eir Confciences, and the world their hems ; Chrifl: to refl on, I when rhcir..duties fJil the· m. , and world to reft ifl, when.the Confolations ofChriH are denied unto them. The Land is go,d, go "Pftnd p1J'cf!e it. . 1. But do rhe Saints come ro this pitch? 2 Cor+>· If our Gofpel he hid, 'tis hid to them that be/oft. Who are rbofe from 1'vhomChrifi is hid ?• When is he hid ? When his Glory is hid. I know I Saims may feel a wanr of, and m-:>urn for it, but it will appear if they are the j Lords, at fo ~ne time. Nay this they will find, fome and much come•.npt re- ' mainin~ which they oppofe, yet ~his is here, and at parting times it is f~en. · I z. But Sait~rs cannot know this. Yes (as well as they cai1 know their conrempt) by means of Gods Spirit, he tha't is cartied from one conrr~ry to anorher thall knc!w it. I , 'l· BuE'Hypocrir<!; may attain to .this. · ~ I. ' pen-che ~~6[~11 may qe reveJied to an hypocrite and to them that are !oH.- · r. · ,, ' ' · r 2:!Tben they rr;aY !Jclieve; for-ro them only rhe. Lord is precious, I Pet.2.7. Then·a.r.f:illg is predipus? when ~ve value iE according tothe.wort~ ofit. ~:v 1 the L•)!'d ts the gr<::nteH and only good, and then when we eHee:n htm fo ; tbts ts rhe1v6rk~fBerievers oAiy.-- ' • ,j '3• -Then ChriH may-be.a carnal mat;ts Tr<!afure. For that is E>Ur rreafure which we~neem mott . n .- M J . '4· Then aornal hem may honour ChriH with one of the higheft degrees of !;~~~~;.;~~;;;,:~~~~;;,;;;;7~;;,::;;~; hadi naWi''fiM dl~em';\rhich lttll: and w'Of\d hath ha8, I had had him now I Exar mi.tie,.' ~f .i rile. ~h. us·. , .~f: 1~.·. lli, fee ~ ..\Bd prize the LordcJefus. Ob be thankful that ever t ~\:! l'i0rd femltftl'r Jvreltenger· to reveal :chritl! If nor, oh ;;o and mourn ! Pan! di<:'! fothree dli~s-, AUi 9· when he faw nothing: ·ob Chrift !lath been long hid fr~m thee.'Oh Fei.vhave:rliis ; Mriiy_ abo~atfor ir, for elfe that in M~~t.z 3·39. I ih~tl be your porrioli. '-' · ~; ,- SECT.