____ re_. n_VJ_i~rg~i_m_O~p_e~~e_d~a_nd~A~p~p~h~ed_·~~- 1 _3~1 ] fome love,and !on;e cleaving ro bim, and choice of him reiily, inwardly, and yer not favinoly, becaufe the whole fotil is no: herecome,but half of ir; J ames I.7,8. I Now the ~vhole foul then comes,when all the atfeCl:ions and 1vill take their flight to the Lord, and faflen there. When all the atfeCl:ions are gathered from all other,things and cl1anged,_ and fo they ~ome to, and embrace rhe Lord ; fo rhar hope 1 1 waits only here, wbenwdl rhe Lord pmy me? Ddire; rbat were fer on a rhoufand rhin"s before, all long afrer him, love only raHerh bun; rhe Lord !erring in fome flohr"'of rhe freenefs,of meicy, hope looks out hither; the Lord Jl1ewing the wanr, b~t rhe way to it, defire bre.tks down Hone-walls, and all means, and the di fficulry ofLhetn, to h.we him: Th(Lord letting the foul tafl: the fweernef> of• Jefu> and his orace, the foul joys, and love imbracecb, and the will follers ; a carnal heart ddi~es, loves, joyes in other things, and the Lord alfo, a1'd fo barb~ falfe hearr. Bur the whole hem co:nes hither, and when 'ris here, thinks one hearttoo lirde, nay one life, one foul, and when .any part of_the affeCl:ions _are left a1,1y where elfe, then the foul mourns, bates rhaD bondage, IS athamed of It, &c. So rhar · the {tre~m of the wholefoulrtnJsnowlmher,Pfa/.ri9.2.Jer.3.Io.Pfal.45·Io. So 'ris wi thrhe foul,as with them when they were to come out of Egypt, rhey would nor lea,'e chi\ de,nor hoof behinde,lefl there fnould be any occallon of return; it is with rh~ foul departed from thebody,jr only minds the Lord,it hath taken ·Ieave of all; fo by Faith the whole foul leaves all,and comes to rhe Lord; €>therwife the fGul is nor come to Chrifl,butreacherhafrer Chrill;likemen that waded afrer the Ark, bur peri!hed in the waters : Thei: arms are not long enough,their defires and love are nor Iona enough ro reach Chnfl, the bent and !tream of the foul is fer and runs here. 0Tis with tht~ foul, as 'ris with two Rivers, both run with all their Hrenath to the Sea, bur the great River is bigger, and runs f~!l:er, yet the others !lrea~ is wholly carried rhirher. So fome men may be more full of Faith then others, yet both run ro d:e Sea,and as Rivers,rhey run in rheirCircles, this way and that way,and arefomerimesdammed up, yen end there: So rhefouls of •11 Saints run to this and the m her creature,yet they end ili the Lord -at la!l.AsPeter and John that r,m to the ~epulchre, though one out-ran the other,yet they came both rorhe. Lord ar !.tfl ; when both of them had for a rime forfook him , rhouoh all the world draw the foul ba5=~, it cannot live without the Lord; my, though the Lord beat aw<ty the folJl from him, yet it follows after him. 5· 'Tis ro rhe Lord for himfelf, for John 6. fome came to Chri!l for loaves, and could h,we been glad if Chri!l:· bad been King for it, &lut did not care for bimfe\f: And henceverf. 27. ' be points and turns them rohimfelf; fomecame to him for higher ends, therefore were his Difciples, that is, for life from him~ But when he told them, Tl:ere uno life,unltfs youhavetheSun, And eat~~nd drink._ his flefh and blood, or elfe you die, it 1 was a hard f.tying, they could not underHand nor fee }vhat that meant, and hence forfook him, but when they come and receive him himfelf; now life is indeed theirs. So that its ChriHs perfon that ~his Faith fir!l: pitcherb on, as 'tis in Marriage, ' and rhqfe that come for this,were never fent away. Now the foul is truly c;ome to him for himfetf: I. When himfelfgives re!ho thefoul in the walltofallrhings, Hebr. 4· 3. If friends, prote8:ion,fuength, life, glory be waming, yet having him, in him I have all rhefe; when all is fold away,not rbetreafure only,but the Field contents him :For it looks on this, as better then beaveR, then glory, it · comforts the foul that the Lord himfelf lboutd be mine. 2. The foul that takerh him,'tisnot only to make boa!l:ofhim,as CaprnaHMhadhim,nor to cover !loth, and fin, and delufion by him: I have ChriH, and I have no more to care for,&c.but to live onhim,John 6.57·He thateateth me,fhlllllivebJ me. Phi!. 3· p, ·Io. Aman takes not Chri!l: as Medicine to eafe him; nor as !l:arely hangmgs to adorn him, but as bread rmec~ive life from him. For many receive Chrifl, re!l: they do upon him, and refl they fay in Rim, but they do not fuck any good from '