Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Vir_rr,in;Opened and Applied~ may fee the Sun and aDunghill, and the ey~·not changed ; So here. Now when the whole Soul is fet .here, it is ne\·er at refr nll here. But may not {fypocrites come to this ? ' I. Tbeuthcymaybeblelred, Pfal.I,I9.2. z. Then they lballnever be cafr 0ff from Chri!t, John 6.3 j. . '. Then they may pmak~ of chat which . the Lord or~ly loo~s ~o:. For 1\by is the Lord angry ? The-he m IS a? ne from h1m. Why IS the MimH:y ordamed, bur eo win the whole heart ro h1m ? Jolm 3. I 9,2 o,21, Oh thcretore cowfider whctbcr it haeh been thus with you or no! Jf nor , wo eo you! Oh be ver·y c.1reful here! •ris A tboufand to one if fome part of your ~eJrt be not fixe elfe- ' where. If Chrifr wer cat 1 udgment, and lbould fay, Come ye Ele.fted: How glad would ye be? • Ob he faith now, Comemd rake my felfl SECT. IV• IV. Fulnefs ofche Spirit ic felf, in rheroom of Satan. . I Sh.1llnot fpcak here either con.cerning that fulnefs ofthe Sririr in exmordirt~­ ry gifts, froken offrequemly m the Ails; nor yet of that Fulnefs of cheSplri·t which fome Chriflians that the Lord fees a put to do and fuffer more for h1m, lball receive morerhJn others. For John I.f.I7· rhc Difciples had the Spirir, f!!!'tjl. 5· Anfw. I am~yec Chri!l promifcrh ro fend rhem rheSpirir. And Stephen was a man full of Fmth and the Holy Ghojl, A£ts 6.8. And 1Jarnahiu Aets II.I4. w.u a good man fnll o{Faithandthe Holy Ghojl. But I lhall fpeak ofrhar Spirit which is in every Belie,·er, without which we are not Cilrills, Rom.8.9. And this is chat I Spirit which is oppofite to rhe evil Spirit, rhe Prince of d~rknefs, which poffefferh . wirh craft and power<~ll the fou-ls of the fons ohi:en,whodorh not only en :~mp about men, I Pet +7,8. Nor only work within them, Eph. I ,2,3. but he inhabirerh . an:l dwellcth in men. He doth nor oruly rake men oprive, 2 Tim.z.~6. but he dwells in ~nd poffeffeth the 'fouls or his Captives, Lufe! I I ,2 I. And though he dorh depart for a rime, ree, r.v:2:6; · They retttrn and ,dwell thtrc. Now i~1 rhe room ofrhis, co:ne; Gods, Spi'rir, who v.iz. is faid robe Grong~rrhan Satan, which canl'lot be me.1m but.ohChriHs Spirlt: . That as 'tis wi[h a m~n whofe he.1rr is turned fromrr~c ' Lorct; .1.\e-i> mot Jef~ only .to be carried by rhe power of I his fin, bur by tHe power .o(Satan·alfo. So when rhe whole foul is turned unro him, the Lord not .rh-e. ibuL to be carried along by the power of his own Gr.lce or.F•\rh, bur rhe Spirit ir felf fills and aCts that fouf. And as the foul was cmied by rhe mi ghry powen~f ·Satan ' before, 'ris no1v ·carried by the Almighty lpowerofrhcSpirititfelf, · lHencer1'et.L·5· Kept llytht mightJ powrr cfGcd t/lr~ugh Faich. · And heii~e . l!tils:z6,I 8.. ,,T,Irnetl from the power ofS<ttan, nor to d~1r'tes , bur to GodJ1imfelf ;n:i. '{t· , rhe SJ?irit of God , and fo to clofe with huu. ..' •:;:!J , . <I whatisth'iJ :$pi"rJr: whichihe is.dmsh.ov~ ?;J -,;, 0!e,f1. I !l1all eNprdsmi• .felf iiuhef.i:J three C01~duuons. Anfw. I, Th1t if A~am had H?od, hea~d all his~o!t~riry 11y:lUid have had thltpow- C9r.c!H.I• erand prC!Cenl:e, , and oon!tm1!''.1IT,i!tance ofthe,Sp1rit of God, a~ char rhey'lbould neverhl\'C f~ l:len :,i no: hlye ·bec:m; ahle ,ro fall1ii;rreCpetl:· of rhe affifr,mce ofrhe Spirit : F!6lho~ldhavdree1:r.f!Feen. :tU rhe•.y.ear long, his . Bloffo~ lbdutd nor h1ve been bbfh:;B, ·his fruiof1mu!.d ne<.ter haveJwitlnered. ...And the ground 'is rhe Rltle 0£ Jt\Gidl; 'for if he faHing, 'all hrs )pqflerity arC! forfaken of God; ,and un- . d~r the rargnoOffin\ ' and de.rrh ·and Satan,. tilm~.~S,n. Then he !landin<>, all lhi> poHeritvdbto.utd 11avc had tl:I.e <eve rbflin~~i'<:Pence ofGod;and lhoul<l hav~ bin :under rhe reign of rhe Spirit ofGrace & life. Thu~ alfo theCovenant ran,donnd livr. ".-=- , E e z. That