2-12 :fhe Parable of t~e d~ are not yet parted wholly hereupon, for even then they ~re kept clofe. So rheugh the heart may depart and inCline rowards confumprion and cearh, and little can the foul do bur lie Rill and grieve, yet the union bcrween the Spirit and '-he foul once made, is never l: roken. For as the who le foul cepaned and made dif-union,fo the whole foul returning makes the union. And hence if ever 'after the whole foul fhould dep m, the union fhoula be broken; and hence look on a ChriHian when he ~s himfelf,_hecan~ot fiir, nor depart! pmly by a fpirir of fear, ]er. p. 40. Like a m~R m a Shtr, he cannot cafi hunfelf mro ~ea, it makes him tremble to think, wb~t if I iliol1ld fall i1i, and hence keeps c!ofe in the Ship, what-ever 1torm!l come, what-ever calm~ corr.e, for he fees death before him. Oh the lofs of Chrift and his fellowfhip hereafter, nay here, is dreadful to him; Parrly by a Spirit of love, it conftrains us, that when the heart ·fometime cares not for Chrift, yet the Spirit of love fprings up: Shall I now leave him that pitied rr.e, That brought me a Pardon, when my neck was on the block, &c. I I. When he dorh depart by reafon offome evil in his heart, yet 'lis l'IOt ever, but he muft return fooner or later to him again, it was beft with him then. For look as 'ris with Satan, How d(')th he carry the heart from God? You !hall fee ir in J 11d.u, John I 3. He ftands at the door and knocks by a !inful thought liJ.:ed of, verf. • · Then he enters the houfe by cau!ing the will to refolve of it. He cloth not carry men like thofe Herds of Swine ~gainfl their wills, bur prevails wirh the Will to refolve thus, verf. 27. Hereupon Satan having a Comrr.iffion carries him our, and be mufl needs go whom the Devil driH!S; fo 'ris b:rc, rhe Spirit in recalling the foul will have him come back. I. Puts in fecret fweet living thoughts again, md makes the fcul confider and remember from whom 'ris fallen, or who the Lord is. 2. Then cauferh rte will to refolve of a return, and then be muftgo whom rho Spirit draws, P[111l. 63. 6. DIIVid remembers tl:e Lord on his bed, though now driven from all Ordinances : Hence verf. 7. Und~ thJ fhadow I will re]QJCe : Hence verf. 8. My f 011l follow'eth ho~rd l'jter tl:ee, or, cleAves to thee. Bur David was weak and feeble, how came he to do this ? Thy hand verf. 8. 11ph~ldeth me. Look as it was with Snm1fon, when his locks were cut, he was like other men, and was made to grinde, bur they grew again, and then he wJs like hirnfelf again : So when rhe alfe&ions and hems to Chrift are cut, they are like other men for a rime; but they are continually cc;>ming and growing again, and then they are like·rhemfelves again. And I fay tbey mull return, for when the Spirit carrie> a man indeed, there is a necdfiry put upon him , ACls 4· 20. We c1mnot bHt fpeA/z.thl thi,.gs .,, h.we he~~rd; and 2 Cor. I 3. 8. We'"" do 110thjng ag111injf, but for the trllth. For here we !hall fee the broad differenc~ between a convicted Hyfocrire that knows all is amifs with him and the Samts : He fees his falls from the Lord, and is afraid in his Confcience of Mifery if he ' doth not return, and defires and endeavours for to do it ; b4t what if it be hard? and it feem impoffible to be better ? Now he falls down and thinks this is an infirmity whicr God will pardon, and fo Satan conquets him; I fay a<>ain, not temptation1 bur Satan conquers him: For then a man is conquered, when faith is conquered, I John 5. 4· thc:n Faith is conquered,when returning to Chrill wirh the whole heart is conquered ; the whole heart returns not until a mans will refelves by being prtll: wi rh a neceffiry of a return and flaying there. Now therefore the Spirit of God puts the foul upon a neceffiry of returning to rf:e Lord , that when rbe h~r~ faith, It cannot be than ever your heart thotdd be better, or the lord help; it mufl:.be faith the foul again, and it is fo, I am nor able to bear rhis evil, for mercy r.nu!t help, and Spirit mufl draw, and hence rhe foul mull come,P[fll. 42.7, 8. The foul thinks mercy can and is willing, but will it? Why the Lord co:nmands it, when one wave calls in for anGther, mercy mull flep in, J and hence my pro~yer is to thu. Now this necefficy of return to the lord appears