· , 214 l- 1 • I I m~cle away by re~pt~~~r '!:~~~~~~h~!re~:~rbe Lord 1; wirh rhc11 1 then, Pfal.94·I8. Arrherimeofpming, loveappem. ~"' z. Hencewhen they are fo~ri~ne fo far gone, as rhar rhey mind nor rheir return, or believe nor, as in the wildernefs, bur are well enough Without the Lord, the Lord before they think or de!ire, prevents them; P{al.z 3 .6. Mm7 aNd TrHth fo/lowes mt. 3· Hence when theyt·hink rhe Lord is provoked that hecannotfJve, ·then he is in rhe midfl of his people, Jer.I4.I I. WhJ ~rrt th~uM~r man ~tjlo,;ied that c([JliJot ave? 4· Hence at rhe end of life, all rhe waies of God hlve been peace, and all our 1vaies, though forrowful, though evil, turned for gooJ; as in Jo11M hisdepar'- ing; and by miferies we are yet humbled ; fomthigg the l-ord is doing now for Eternity, Mirah 7.8. Thongh Ijit in darf0ejfe , the Lord will ue a light 14NtB me. · 5. Hence when the heart and flrengrh fail, and Faith is failing, and rhe heart feels nothing bur pain, yet rhe Lord then keeps, and this is comforr, Pfal. 6p6. . Con!ider therefore your efiare, that I. Do deparc with your whole heart from rhe Lord. Hath nor the Lord bowed rhy hem coward himfelf, by mercies, by blows ? Bur when forrows have been pafl, and mercies grown common, and truth common, rhou haft flaned back like: a brokea bow which was berir backward, wpe.n ftretched forI . ward. And nowwhen God calls to any duty, efpecially when thy will and ends are cro!fed, that is a burden, and rhou arc drawn to chat as a Filh to the dry land. I Iris like aFeaver-fit to thee, and never mournefl for this. But when any m'nter 0f g:~in and world is prefenred, all thoughts, time, firength is too little there, that you fmell of rhe field; or if there be any life or joy, yet the fti#l ~(,ne eat up the , fat kjne. Nay, molll'nefi nor under that curfed bent which carries thee from the 'Lord. Know it, thou arc forfaken of the Lord. z. Tharin times paft had many affeetions, bur no1v for row is-got1e, and feeking of the l-ord gone; and being fallen, feefl it not, but rhinkefl 'tis with thee as with·other ChriHians, hall only the old work pall, and fomenew pangs now and then. 'why is ir thus? Jer.8.4,5· Will you fall and not arife? Wilt let the Lord turn from you, and not return l Doth the Stfl'l'k i(zt11W whewwinttr u near, and n9t you'/our feaf~n ? Oh look to it! What are you fallen with a perpetual bacHliding. Why will you not return, but go away with a perpetual backiliding ? Know Satan bath hold of this foul. 3. You people of God, .wonder you ar this Grace : let your experience prove· ir. Is ir norfo, that a Habitation ofDevils lbould be a Houfe of theSpuirof God, not to fojourn, bur dwell there, and tho~gh abufed, vexea, yerirwill r~'-· SECT. V. V. Sanetifi,atioa, ia the room of felf-feeking. THi" work of the Spiri; h~th had inany fcratches, ~nd pa!fed under di~crs cenfures; that ifchar que[hon fuotdd be asked of u, wh1ch once Chnll: made concerning himfelf, whom foJ mtn thllt 1 II11J t We lhall find five feveral apprehen!ion~ ofit. t. Soole have made ir common, and that thistreafure may bedig&edoutof dun;;-hils, that the lord calls thcfe Pearls to Swine, t!iar a carnal heart may h~ve all thefe gifts and graces whidt the ri:gbceous have, and .AJ, had, and periLh a£