Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied.. --------'-~1 atl~(l. And hence no evidence from ir at all. . :l. Some have nor made ir rhus commoll, bur proper to the Ele&, and thar none arc ju!lified bur they are fantlified, and e contra. But ir hath been, and they think 'tis fo difguifed with the mixture of lin and temptation, andcJnnor be known, or very hardly• . If fo, char though rhe Lord Jefus c~me unto his own, and dwell nor only in thetr Houfes, bur tn thetr , hearts , yer they know him nor. 3. Some fay it may be known, but nor as dwelling in our hems , bur as inherent in Chrill , making rhe inherent <;;race ofChnil in Chrilt himfelf to be our Sanctification , which che ArolHe makes to be our righreollfnefs. And fo as the Papi!ls .;tbolil11 Chri!ls righreoufnefs for juHificarion, by makinairroconliHonly ininfulionofGrace in .us; rhefe aboliJ.'h ChriH to be our Sanclification, by making all our fanctificarion ..m conli!l in inhxlion in Chri!l ourofus. ' 4· Some f•Y there is a lan&ificarion in us , Bur wherein cloth ir cotllifi ? Nor in any habitual Holinefs, or Gr~ces in us, ~ut in the im~ediare atlings ofChrill inus, andfotheLor.dmakesius~tiGck .wtthotttaJ1Y tl:nngs, ~ndrevcals thing> eo us without eyes, and I'Qak(is us ltve wuhout·a11y power of hfe : .And fo after juflification they puca ChriHian in [uch an eHa~;e ofSat,C'tification ~s th_ar he is a mcer Patient, in next difpolicion to move if be be moveq < Like a WCJthcr.Cock, which bath no power at all to move, but as the wipd blows it, good or bad. 5. Some gr•nt that .there is a fanttificarion proper ~o the Faithful, and in the Faithful a11 habitual Holinefs, and conli!ling iR a moll ble{fed, inward, total change. But wben they coil:i.e m the applic.acion of this to themfelves, they thin\ t)Jat if they have fome reformation with fome inward affeCl:ion, rhey think every overly changeis prefencly fanttific~tio>1, and ohi.s mu(l he a good evidence to them. And fo like fome HerbJlitl:s,that rreat of the Soveraign excellencies of fe. vera! herbs, but when they come eo gather them. in the garden, they cake their counterfeits in the ·room,ofthom: . The caufes of which variety of apprchen!ions is the rarencfs Dfit (and tberefore.~is unknowu ~ and the corrupt experience of men. I Jhall therefore lay level rhefe things, by !hewing you what char me.1fure of fanetiification is which is .in us, ancl which is peculiar to the EteGl:, and which alfo may be 'known ®y them wbit;h have ir : And therefore lhall l)ot fpeak of fanttificatio~at!arge, which is the ,change of the whole man by rhe death of Chri!l, vy hereby he is fepa~:ated froqJ. dln, and fm mo.rrified in him ; and by the life of Chril~; wherebly he is dedicatecl unto•Chri!l, and lives his life. But I lhall rreac . of it now fo far forth efpecia1l¥.as this change may be known by it ; and therefore 2t) I oppofe itto felf-!eoking.' J • • But 1vhy do yauoppofe SanElification to Selffetkjng"? f2J!eff• . J: • .Bc;caufe this San&ificarion , 1 nmv. :fpeakof it fo far forth as it may A nf,:p, be feen ;- 11ow ·h: is fecn here chiefly~ bec.aufe it may befaid here iris: But.Hyp0crrres havea~ohange, Whereinmay it ,beknown robe different from tbetrs? Why, the!Change of rbe heart ohiclly appears in thechange of the ucmoH end. · , . · 2. Be~ufe as rhe · ~0llution · qfthewhole man, .and .all his a&ions civil; moral; >md religwus, Goll!itl:s•chiefly., an~Lappears in this felf-feeking, or making our felvcs our wrmo!l end. This wkes the mo!il: •glGrious a&ions vile, and 1ftains them all. So che fanC1:ificacion·0f a .man confrlls chiefly and atnpears in.making the Lord our 'uuMlt end nfalhvellfo ~ So that uhougb the,aaions be never fa mean ·· -audpoor, yetrbis purs aGlor1'·a-ndJtif!re on 11hem, and is the CrOI'I'n of them, evenofthe giving. of - t~cupof cold 'r~aur, Mac.6.zz. Ifthy 't?tbejingle. Look ~bcrefore, as before the Lord ~uLhfies the foul, every man liv.ingfeeks bimfe!f as h1s Jlatt·.end and-g.ooil '; ~nd ouc of rhi.s captivity no power cui redeem them. Dttn.,