Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

D..m.4·3o. Gen. I I.4. So after it, the Lord fanCl:ifies the foul with fuch a mea_ fure of his Grace as m~kes the Lord hi; utmoll: erid: And this no other have. let me therefore {hew you what this S:mc!ification is morcfully, and with all the cheif ingredi~nts in it, that fo it may be the better known. It's the renovation of the whole man, appearing in the change ofa mans utmoll end. Bur more panicubrly, 'Tis th:~.t work of the Spirit in the foul, whereby d~e foul beholding the Glory of Chrifl:, and feding his !oYe,. l~ereu~;on clofeth with the whole will of Chrifi, and feeketh to plcafe htm, as hts happne[< a.nd urmo!l end. For look as in felf-feeking there are four things. I. Aman beholds himfe\f and forr.e good in himfelf. 2. Loves himfelf abundamly. 3· Pleafeth his own will. 4· Doth this as his utmoH and lall end. So here in this defcriptionofSanCl:ificarion which I oppofe chiefly to [elf-corruption, are four things. I. The foul beholds the Lord in all his Glory~ feeing of him prefem with him in all his Glory, and fet before him, Pfa/.!6.8. For this is onel1eccfi!ry in£redienc to his fanetification and feeking the Lord as his utn:oH <md. For why doth aman reek bimfelf ? He fees fome glory and good in himfelf, pone in the Lord. And hence we fay of fome. n:en, wbofe pride fpoyls their parrs, they know themfelvcs roo well, and hence Saints when they fee their own vilenefs, aNd fee the lord, they are fo far from feekiDg, as that they loath themfelves. Therefore when the lord reveals himfelf to the foul in his Glory, this makes rhem feek hima11d nor rhemfelves, I Cor.1.3o. Chrifl u n111de wi(d•m, righteoufnejfe, &c. that all might glory in him. For this is the Glory of Cbrifl, and the firll Principle offeeking tlie Lord, the foul fees his good laid up in the Lord more than in himfelf; nay wholly in the Lord, not-at all in himfelf. His wifdom is in him, he c;mflot bur •vilder rill utterly loll with0Ut him. His righteoufnefs is in him, he could never have one Gn pardoned by Angels holinefs without him. His fanc1i~ntion is in him, he could 110~ have rhe Jeall thought nor deGre, bur rhe Lord mull work ir in him. His ·redemption is in him, there could nor be freedom one hour from unknown evils bur ,by, him. Hence feeing him fuch an one, l1e fceks him. As why do· men feek men, efpecially if great? Why do men deGre to fl:and before Princes, and pleafe them, fo thar they will not gladly offer rhem rhe leall dill:alle? Becaufe they fee them before them, beholding of them, aprro be angrr, ifdifpleafed ; and tbeir gr(!amefs awesrhem : So here. Why is not the Lqrd Jefus pleafed ? He is not feen in his Glory, nor made reallyprefenr; andhenceRe~.s.Iz,q. Whentbeyfaw himonhisThrsne, thq cajfdoJvi:Jtheir Crownsa~tdgave him Glory. . 2. The foul alfo-feels his !eve, .andfo abundantly loves him again. For how conie men to feek rhemfelves iu every r:hing; and they cannot but do it ? 'Tis becaufe they love rhemfelves~ and that abundantly, nece!farily, as fire burns ; though they burn fo _h.)t in rbis loye that at !all they confume themfelves. So how do any, can any feek the Lord? We know the Apo!lle faith,- I Cor.q.5. Lme fee/zs_ not her own. Wbc;n. the Sm1 harh put our this fire of ou; felf-love, when the fe't1fe of the Lords love h:ith kindled.that ,love ro rhe Lord agam, as that it ~ bundantl vl<wes Chrifl:, now it will feek the things 0f Cbritl, and not. its own thin<>s. And as there is abundance. of felf love, rhat in en are eaten up with it ; fo rh~re mull be mu£h love, which mull be abundantly ihed in rhe hem, fo as to elt up that ; arifin<> from. the fenfe ofrbe Lords love, and that abundantly. For m~1n y aman comes ~o have fome good will, .and affet!ion, a~d the Lord, but yet n~ver comi!s to feek the .• Lord as his I all end, and live to hun. W.hy? Becaufe he bath not tafled abundantly 0f the LQrds Mercy, Grace and Love, . P{~tl.