ten Virgins Opened an4 Applied. 217 Pjal.86.12, I). And hence rhe incompmble Spirit of Paul, I fee.'-)ot yours, but you ; Wherein? In be:ng willing to fprnJ. But f.we your felf Paul: nay, _and to 6e [pent: W1rb much ado; Nay, moft gl~td!y. Though you lo'veme noc, becaute I love )OU: So here, rhough ChriH !hould nor love 1r, yer he 1s worr!1y, he !u:h donee- ' n0ugh, and now rhe foul w,ll nor only qo, bur reJoyce, nay, 111 fuftenngs ·; be- , cau!c hi<Jove is nocdro{'t, bup!11ed mour hc.1rrs. And hence ·m a never-f1i!" i ing rule, little love or affurance of ir , little fe~king rhe Lord; 1nuch <Jl!urancc, much fetking of him. , . , . . . 3. He1·eupon the foal cl0ferh wtrh me whole wdl of ChnH, and pleJ[etb !r, beouf<: irpleJfeth him. Its with e\'ery m:m, <1S it W,lS with Samfon, he would nee .Is hwc .1 wife of rhe Philijlims, Why fo' Judg. 14.3· Beoufe fhe pleafeth me. So,whywill !r.cn feek themfeh·cs, Cwe rhemfelvcs, love rhemfelve<, and plo fc their own will s? Bec.mfe it ple.tkrh rhem. Look rherefore as rhe foul wt en l·e lo1·ed himtdf, did feck to ple.1fc only his own will in every rhina, and , 't is.oood becalll'e- k· ple,1feth me; fo rhc foul, whofe heart is now inde~rca ro 1 Clu'i!t, rhou;;h he ~an not Ferfe61:ly do it( rha1'.; in He.w<:_n ~ yet he feeks r.o give 11he whole w11\ of Ch:1fl comem, · bec .u, f~ 1t pbfeth Chnf!. And rhrs 1s rhar i tlw Cod h.1rhrworn his p::oele Hull h.we, Lr1~ I·7·h7 5· .And that Cbriit hath \ ' delivered m from all our enemies, (For the gre.1r re.1fon why n:en cleave nJr to rbe Lord, md ole,1fe bis whole Will is, bccaufe rh<~y have many thinP' t@ care for I ' ~nd kee?, ~nd ple.1fe, whic~ w~ accoum friend;, wh;ch are ~he ~-~rds enemies: S.1r:m and. wor\d) to frw htm wtthourf:ar, '· r. m love, and m holmejfe and righttoufnejfe, r. '· hrs who e.Wrll all ;ur da,es. An~ hence Eph.5. 8, 9· .They Jve-re I dfiTk_nej{e, but now are l,ght,by Fmh, n~~v there IS fmchty, Wallz. a; chddrm ofthe light. Wherein conflth tl1Jt.? P:ovmg w~at u accepMble. to God. Hence Eph. 6.6. They !11ould pf•afe Chrift, domgthe Wdlof God from the het!rt. And this i< [o necdfary, dm Gal.r.ro. The Apoftle faith, if I pleafe me;;, i.e. rheinvills I ammt ~kri(ls. And this is w~tlkJngwmhy•fthe Lord, pleafng him in allthings: and th1s tsfrulf , the end of the tree and leaves alfo, and drfteretKill!? a tree fro 11 all or her, th,l t be bemriful, but blrren, Col.r .ro. "' Bttt wh7 do ]'Oil ma~ thuto conjift in pleafingthe whole will ofChrift, and not of God f2.!!efl. the Creator? r. Ber<uf~ our fanCl:ifica~ion no~v c.<nt.lotple.lfe God as a Cre<Jror, though ir 'Arfw. may ple ·fe hmad1.1t 1s rhe Cre.l[or 111 Clmfr, bccaufe only perfctl: I-lolinefs can ple •fe bim. . · ' z , Beccufe Chrifi lurh pleafed the ~ather by the Ho\ine(s of himfclf, no1v this bci ng clone, and therefore God h.l\'lng pur <1ll things inr? his bands, having cb ne thac for us, we arc ro gtve content to bun. And hereu1 our f.mCl:ificarion i' differing fro·11 the Imrtge Adam had, who in clofing with the will of Cod loo'<cd Ppon him <1S a Crearor; ours refpet1:s a Redeemer, who harh bouob; us to hunfelf, and hence we a'e to refpect him in our atl:s How. <> B~ttwhydoththefoulclofe withthewhole will ofChrijf,i.e.Jofar M 'tu made Oueft. 10orvn ? -- Firft,Becaufc r~e h?line[s ?f Chrifl here chief\~ difcovers it felf,and ~gain(! this .A .r. a c:rrnalhemmlldtfcoverltfeif. For Capernartes maybo.1ll:rn,and gtveemcr- ";W• rainmem ro theperfon of Chnf!, but whemhcy come to rerenr(whid1 1vas one parr of his will) rhat ~hey dtd n?t, that they would not : Wo therefore r. thee C '!- pernaum,: as mai1y .w•ll clofe wrrh Chr~lt for pardon of fin, and ·lay their f.1cks on him, but you mufl burrhen your fdf Wtth the!n, or the Lord will ne\'er eafe you of them. Oh no, and hence they have light forrow for ii.n; m~ny will embrace the comforts of Chrift, <1nd love of Chrift, and this joys them, yet the will of Chrif! thJt is welrifo'lle to them, Rom. 8. 8. They will pick and chufe. Secondly 1Becaufe this difcovers a deep ditch of deceit in the hem,many-take up forr.e dunes, and why do rhey do rhem? Becaufe they pleafe the Lord;md rhc Ff Lcrd