2..18 I The 'Parable of the -------------------- ------------------ Lord commands, and for his fake, when indeed 'tis to pleJfe themfelves : for in other things they care not whether they ple,1fe the Lord or 110. Thirdly, Becaufe this doling with his whole will only gives tbe Lo~d comenr: As' tis nor the lhing~, or !hiking HFOn one lhing that makes the Mulick, bur Hril king on them. all ~ccording to rule. So here: And hence when they facrificed and obferved new Moons, Ifai.I.l4.Who hath required the(e thingut JOllY handr? Hence when the people began tO put tbe Lord off with mean pertorrmnces,any common Huffe, rhe Lord okes lhre upon him, and f.1ith he is a King , Mal. I. I4. & 9, 10. I h11w no plca[ure in you. Fourthly, Bec<u1e this only will give peace; and rherefo:·e let any man beoin to pick and cbufe, and his hearr die to the Lords will, if Jonah like he will fli.fti:om any way of the Lords and cominue there, he D.ull h,we !lorms; and hence I John 2. 3, 4, 5. HerebJ we kz,ow him, &c. . 4· He clo!eth with the whole will of the Lord as his hapfinefs aad utmo!l end; as a m~n made himfelf his bll end before,anddeiired God and Chri!l only to keep his [ores ft·om aking, f?r f? I look upon ;til men m;lde tip of w.mrs? if d:e boay ake wHh cold, Ho!11?.Ck wttb hunger, head for w.mt of fleer, ConfCJence for lin, all l-nppinefs hes in the eJfi ng i~ereof, and here lies their blifs. So now r,he foul makes rhe life of the Lord ir> hlppinefs ro live umo him, Gal. 2. 2o. He makes it his meat 11nd drink.. to do the Lordr will; for Jehu fmighr the Lord, but his lalt end WlS him!elf, as 'joh" I6. 2. A man may k.Jll,andthinlz}e doth God good (ervice, but rhar is nor his !all end ; a carml heart may crofs his own will, but nor his own urmoil cnd,as JudM: A man zn:ty feek the Lord with delight, and follow the Ordimnces, Jndfafl, .md prJy, bur himfelf is his end Hill, Zac.7·5,6. IJili. 58.4 5· As a m~n rh,1r goe< to a City, he will do your buliner.e, bur he would no;"<> unle[s he had his own end> to bring about there. But thofe that are truly f~ncfrfied, make the Lord rhe;r laH end and happinefs. Ir's nor only good to do the Lords will (for rhus men may feek the Lord ) as thinking it good !o ro do, but as their ble!1ednelfe, e:f<! 'tis not thllir Llll end, and fo not lougbr as their lalt end; and fo 'tis wirh the foul: As a River running to the Sea, many Sprinas run into ir, but it c,mie< them down all with it; fo there are many occalion~, h:ndrance;, buGnelfe;, yet it orrienhem all down with it, even the: more violemly, the mere ' ti' hindred, Pf"l. li9. 126, 127. Therefore love I them "bove r.old. · And rbis expretlec hit felf m three thing' : "' I. In admiring at the olory of the Lord, and hi; will and ways, and accounting them b,>fPY men, andb~elfed, that thus can do and live. For fomerime the foul is decayed and fa I·en fro:n this, or lick a ne! weak ; 110» it accounts them hap- , l~Y. that h.'\'e he>lth .md ltrength to walk abroad, Pfal. I. I, z.. I 2. Jn being never ar relt in his minde umilnow that he con~es to this ; for therein a rums m~king ' ny rhing his bll end appears; as he made his goods his lallencl,Ltik!I2.I9· l\owrberefore my foul beat reft, f<)r there is no feeking rhe L'lrd but fe lf-feeking hi?der; ; Nd.v though ir b~ rhus y~t, D~ 1 make my felf mv !ail end? then my mmde would be at rett ; bur tf fanchfied, m nor at reH till no\v: And hence Paul whc::n he had run this race, now you fee him leming upon his pillow, 2 T;m. 4· 6, 7. And ~cnce Saims are lo~h to die and. be blelfed in hewcn, beraufe they h,,ve done fo lmle work as yet; httle do the Samts for the Lord many ti'J!e<, yet rh"ir hems are uprighr, for what mourn rhey for fo muc.h as rhi<, when they h.1ve lookt ~tpon it; oh that the Lord bath been a loofer by tbe:n! ' 3. It cmie~ the foul tborow all difficulties wirh power .and delight, Prov. Io. 29. Thewf!yof de Lord i4 f.m~~th to the righmus,ar.d joy. Rom. 7.2z.I do delight in the law of God in the inner man. Other Natzons walk in the Name of their Gods, ,,.e in ours, Mic.1h 4- 5. As when we1Ith or honour is a mans utmo!t end, with whH violence are men carried to it; and hence aman thinks he bath neverfuch good