Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

~ert Vitgins -Opened artd Applied. 219 good days as then w;l(:n he can do m~ch for the Lord; and _hence when any d~- ----· ty is eo be done, when fe,uful to do 1r, or loch to perform 1r, when the heart 1s dead, yet beholding ic wirh·a fpiriwal eye,rhar rhis gives Jei:VI!ah honour,oh this carrie> the foul heAdlopg even into miferies, Not ~J will, 6m thine be done. This e:tfeth the heart1 even in the belly of Hell, and Ill nmes of the deepelt defer- .uon. .. ' To this San~1:ifiation all . rhe Saints do come; every one in their meafure; and if ever the foul railed the Lords love, or ever w ,\s humbled with the bim~'­ nef; of. tin, the firft voice and main care is ; Lord, what '"ilt thou have me to do ? Nay, though no a!lurance, and it cannot joy it~ the Lords love, yeti~ will in rhe Lords will ; and hence whe11 it lurh full aff'ur.utce, yet finding fl1Ch a vile hem, ifGod thould give it bewen with fuch a hem it would be death: And bene<! when he thinks of going to Hell, yet there (faith he) ler me ble1fe thee ! · This Sanelificadon all unfound hems do want ; much Reformation, m~ch aflfet\ion,mmyducie.;, but thcirend is not changed, though rheirlives·be, and l hearts feem to be. . · ' I. BecJufe they cannot love the Lord, bec~ufe rbe Lord dotn never fhed his I love imo rheir he.1rts. , 2, This was rhe life of Chrifl, Jbhn 8. 29. of which life they that are dead in .', 1(iNneV<!r 3ave OM act, though they may think they have. · 3. This is rhe end of our Eleelion, which rhcrefore an unfound heart may as - ~loon attain ro, as_ to etetl:,orto beeleet~d ofGod,Eph. I. i· hol; in love. Thi~ may be eafily known, 1, Cannot a man know when he is happy ? 2. Cannot· Peter re\! ChriH rhat he loves him ? 3· Cmnor a man cell whether be be at\ Hypo,rire or no? For be that cannot prove Ris utmoH end is changed, mufl confers bimfetf an Hypocrire yet, hi~ heart was never changed, wh<lt ~er a!lurance or peace he hath h1d; a thing is never go:>d till it ferves its end Jt·was m~defor. Oh therefore look that ynu conret\t nor your fel~es with Reformation, bur come ro this; elfe 1. You !ofe all your obedience, the Lord regards it nor, the Lo:d w1l! rake all from you; as Velfels that are made to hold Wine, and rhey c~nnor, !Jy rhe11 bj',:he L•rd h.tthnoplea{Hre in;ou, Mal. I, 8,9, Io, 2. If you do, the Lord will accept your memeH and pooreH fervices : Confider, ' . I. ehrill ca(l by his Robes being privie {0 his own worth, to become obedumr, Phi/. 2. 6, 8. . ~. His it1finire Wifdom is in every command, though rhy carnal re.1fon like tr 11or. , 3. His infinire love for thy good, though thou rhinkefl 'ris for rby hurt. 4· tlis glory, tho~gh thou g,eHeflno good a~ all by ir. SECT. VI. VJ. Fulnef.~ oft~ Spiri~ Q(G:Iory, in theroolll of-tbewprld. VVHmHk£vrJ.dqthfu(li,fie, thvfohe 4-tb giOJ'ifit, Rom.8.3o. ;,e. with rhe Gl~ry of •uwdier world, wbich thQ11gb i~ be -hid for a rime from ·otOOs, and f(qm r~t_pf~ves, ye• they do partake of ir nvw, and ir ihaUbercveaJedltpfll!tnem ~"Qtb<!r day, I Ptf.5.I. NoW rrouah Hypocrites raay rafiof_cl'le"W'\Jrd, l.l,l..y, of ~he' powers of-rb<: world IQ co[J!.f. yet they fall ihorr of tlmmel\fureof G~~ry , .Aud Hay, this fills rbem in the roam of rhis -" ' H1PJJQr, wen full Q{ t!"ll WPrld? u the Spirit ofG lor1 ? F f 2