220 \Anr;:- Conclu.r. Cone!. 3· The 'Parable of the I /hall {hew rhi< in rhree Condufiom. Thauhefull reil and pe.tee of the foul it's robe found only in the prefence of GodAlmighry, in this Being of Being<.His Perfeeti-:>ns are in himfelf, and hence h:: keeps a perfe:u,ll S;~b\mb of re!1: in himfelf; in rhis reH only the foul ofman can find rett, Heb.4.6,1o. Pfal.16.II. He is the journies end of alia mans labours :md life and rravail s. Hence John 17. q. When Chril1s work was. ended, now I come not ro Hewen, fo much as to rhee. And hence when Solomon bad tired our himfeif i11 his rravJil> through all th~ things of rhis world, to find refi, b~ rerur'ns empry and crying borne, and now when hefums up his Glory, E cclef.1.I,l. He ililes himfelf, r. A man garhered to rhe Church, to be •s near God as he can. 2. The Sol' •f David, ro whom the Promifes were made. I And then, 3· King of Jerufalem, the la!t and le.1!1:. He is rh,lt boufe and ho:r:e of his people, 1vhether in fleecing or fetled condirio.n, from one oeneration to another, P[al.9o.1. So chat rhe Prophet finding this to be molt true, 11 l fay, HaHds ~Honilhed armen; and becaufe men had deaf ears here, and their bellies could not he.1r, he cries to rhe Heavens robe a!1:onifhed artbis, Jer.z.u, J 13. Thi> wine the Lord puts under his Loc'k and Key ; 'Tis not to be found in 1 e.mh, in Church-Liberties, you may loon fee this Temple110t on.: fione left upI on another, nor in He.1v<tn flmply, nor in Fellow01ip of Angels; oriely •tisin the Lord, drawing nigh to the foul in there, and drawing tht: foul at la!t near to himfelf by rhefe. 1 That all. Reprobates being efJranged from God, ai~d God from them, are alfo 1 firangers to this re!1:; this life ofGod, this life ofGlory , Eph+x8. and there- )foreleek for it and fuckit out of the Paps of the Creature, and rh ~ t which is not ' God. And rhus their hearrs are full of the world, P[~/.17.14. DHft they eat, 1 1 .. nd upon their bellies they go, ihift for it where they will,they !hall never .find it in. him : And if they do find it any where elfe in this world, let them fill rhemfe!Yes to the full, for they haverheir portion, they have their reward. And I hence they do (all unregenerate men living) find their re!1: in fomthing out of God ; relt to thei r Confciences in duties, and fomrhing of God, re!1: eo t~eir I heJr.rs in fome C.re.lture, , . either u11lawful or lawful, Mat.24·38. And the.re is never acarml hem, but give him his imaginary content here, and he would de- , lire ro live here as an exile from God, and to be without him, if there were no Hell, no plagues, &c. For here is their rreafure, not above; here are rhy good things: and rhis is rhe very reafon why a man lives without God, nay when be . 1 fi.mds convinced of i,r , nay when troubled with thoughts of this, and no duties can e.1fe him, becaufdomrhing our ofGod is his bottom toGand upon, and his I reft and reace; It may be meat, · drink, health, fleep, occafional delights and , a quiet life. That as 'tis with Seamen, they can endure winds and wearfler, and ; rent Sayls,. and torn Mafts, becaufe they live ~pon that Trade; another 1~i.ll 1not: So'nshere. Thoughmanyrroublesof tmnd, yetthey plyrhatOar, ns \ their living. I That :~11 rhofe whom the Lord imends good umo, thofe he calls in time out of rhis world inro his eternal Glory of rc!1: and peace, our of this world imo another. And as their hearts were filled with another world before, fo their hearts are filled ~>irh the Glory of'rhis other world now, John 17.14,16. I Pe~-5-~o. And this re!1: and peace in God isrheGlory ofrheSaims. That lo;>k. as'us Wl.th Reprob"res, What is their l•IJ and great woe? 7 Thef. 1.9. !Is fe~att&n from the L•rd; So this is the great Glory of the Samts, to enter 111 ro h1m, as l Mofes did imo the Cloud, and fo tO reft in him. I !,HO my God ttnd r•Hr GIJ. I Hence rbe Saints are faid to fell away all fw rhu Tre11[ur~, for this Pearle, for dJC Lord : And fo rhe Lord is in flead ofall, and bener to them than all they bad j b.efore. Tf.ey can live royally uron him, having bur one thing to look ro, ~nd havmg '