Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied. h.lVin<> Jll rhmos 111 tht> one thing ; and m o r~ roy.1lly than tr.e Princes of the world"can upgn their lufts and e.mhly Treafures. This is the retl ~nd Felce the Saims have, Heb.4-3- They that be/i...,e do enter into reJl. God calls them our of rhe world byfome bitr~rnefs of ir, or by fome cloying and furferring; and makino tht:ir hearts weary of the fwe<=mefs thereof, and then rhey enrer imo Glory. 1~e Lord fee> nmhing can fill their B<!am nor flop rheir cries, httt him, ~n d now this Glor;' breaks in upon rhem,and fills their hems : And rhis rhe lmd dorh rwo mi~s, · according as there arc rwo things in g0od th.1r fills the hearr. I. Proportion. ~. Propriety. · So d·.ere are two Raies of eternal Glory chiefly, whereby the Lord gives full rcll: and peace, and fo Glory to his people. I, He reveals the good they are to enjoy in another world, in irs full proportion vi:t-. wiMtistherichesuftheinheritance •ftke Saints, Epb.I.17,I8. Forno good fatisfies rill 'tis known in its greamefs, though y~t there be degrC!es Gf this . For we fiul'l fee many Ch riflians have alfurJnce, where is the joy of it ? Not atfeeted with it, becaufe he knowes nor what iris ar that time. At another rirr.e his he~rr is abelVe all rbe world, becaufe be fees what is that Glory rhe Sainrs have, an.d rhathebathir, it [wallows him up and confounds him. Why me Lord ! And rbis is the reaf0n why the Saints doubt, whom the Lord bath loofn~d fro m rbeir' lufls and all chinas here. What fo vile, and all that mine? And rbis rhe re.1fon why when doubting, fo th.1t there is nothing in this world that doth qu iec rhem, nothing fro:n God rhat cloth eafe them, yet rbeit hearts are l'iveetly e.1fed : Th('irddires areafrer him, and their deligHts in his company, better go roHcll rhus than in my fins; and rhe thoughts of the Lord are fweet, I . becaufe he barb and cloth fecrer!y fill their hearts. Somthing they have or do fee in him, Jfa:z.6.8. And hence is the reafon of rhe for rows of them, when their hearrsareworfi, now though they have the world, yet are not arreil-, becauic they have and do fee fomchin<> of this. 2. He reveals by rhe Spirit and light ofGlory that this"good is theirs, their proprict_Y: The_firlt gives reil to the f0ul, vi<-· rh~ Spirit ?f vi~on in~om~leatly. Th1s Spmt of Fatrh whereby the foul knows all thts good ts mme, thts ~tves it comple.1tl)'· Now rhe New [eruf.Uem is come down from Heaven, and God is among men, I Pet. I. 8. For if a Chriltian fees the grearnefs of rhis glory, but JJot as his, the foul will never cleave to the Lord indeed, nor finde full refl:; and hence when the riches of Gods grace is revealed, and the Fe.tfl fee before rhe:n, thq do no teat, bec.tufetheyfear they were not bidden. Now both thefe give lf~ll pe.tce and refl to rh~ foul , when rhe foul harh the Lord .'fehrMh in Ins arms, and hence he cares not now when d~th comes : Ob it ihall be a I welcome dayro rhem! And hence they wiih they mighr fin no more, or ceafe 10 be. And hence they wiih they could fer even the whole wor-ld a wondrino. vV-.sir ever heard lince the world began offcch a pattern ofmercy? Its rrue, rhe lord in.-leed ke~ps his Servants for a time under much darkt'.efs and doubts, bur ir's certain even in the meanett Saint this Iignt is fown for them, and i•; for the Hpright in heart, and fome work rhere is for the Lord t<D do for rhem, and tlilen he 'keeos aSabbath of refl in them. , ' . , - 'BI{I h.we net man1 HJpacriw their _ioJes, their puce, their Glory ? _Q__Hej!-; Yes, they have fome cafls and likenefs to rhis, but want:. 1his indeed; and Anfpp, rne difference appears in three Particulars. - · . I. 1 he peace md j0y and alfurance of chat Glor1 which eye never faw in the ?arm~, 'iis from rbe witnefs · ofth~SpiritofGlory; not onlybecauferhatGod t> rhetr God, but becaufe they are his people. "Tis I fay from che wirnefs of God in his Word, not from themfelves, nor from man only that they approve Ff 3 me,