Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

I l b' 0 }t[/,I, ,Anfw. Obje[/. z. 'The '.1? ar~ble ofthe me, nor from dreams and Diabolical bre~ar-hi-n-gs-,...:.b-ut-fr_or_n_cn_e_S_p-ir-ic_o_f-G-od~ I h~ brings tidings of ir, and fro'm-£uch a Spirit ( char you may know it) char no~ only !hews you God is your Goq, ~nd fo yourc;joyce bC!<;aufe of this, forthus 'cis wich many a earn•! hearr, and he hith pe•ce, being in horror, from this, the Lord loves me• buche makes reJoyce, becaule you ~re theLordopeople, becaufe he harhchanged your hearr, now the r_eace is found, _and joy is ri~.[; and here I would cry che peace of ~ny man, God harh wirne!fed pardon eo rhec:!; I but barb he lhewen the~: rhou art .his 1 Jf fo, be ch~nkful. But l~is· the doubt, for it may be the change is nor·righr. And hence rhofe rwo are ever .Joyned together, :t;!!ch.q.9. J•hn ~4.2_o,zi,22, Horror liC!s he•vy, hence \ love IS fweec; tin hesheavy, liencethlsmmefs, cbey are changed, they are.fubc:!ued ·and !lull be fo, this is fweec ~lfo. z. The rell and pe1ce the Saints have;:, .'cis not only from God, buc in him. \ 'Tis with rhe foul as with a MalefaCtor imprifoned and condemnec:!, che Jaylor comes anq tells him chat hll harh his pardon here brought him from che Kina; How 'hall it be pro\'ed wherhor it he~ device of his own Brain or no ? Why if"ic I he ofche Jaylors own devifing, he will neverle;:ad him before chefaceotche King, •bur from hirn he lh~ll be carried~ But if the Me!fenger carry him before the ' King, and fees him down before him, and as it was wirh J~f,ph, his Prifongam:em~ are put otf,_ ~nd he Hands before the King, -nd glorie; in hi~ prefence, 1 now 'cis rig~r. So many have peace, andSaran fees ch~m 3tlibercy, bur cmic:s rhem from God. Bqr when there\> a wirp!!fs of pe~ce from him, and rh~n you lta11d before him, noiY 'cis from He~ven,Pf,.l.j6.7,8. There is peace from him f and peac0in him, Pfnl.37·4• Delightthy felf in tht Lord, 11nd he fhallgivethll ·tht f/eJires?fthy htar~. When 'tiHlius, all youcltfire isgranred. I s· The peace the Saints have both from God and in God, fills them wi~h ' everl;Ulingconr!!nt and peace, Rom.I5·13· lfq,.Jl,9· Filled wirh theKnowledgr ofthe L•rd "'the JMtm c11m tbr Sta; Th~:: earth is the reil of the waters, and rhe water> fill all its empty pbce: So 'cis h,ere, che foul is the refl ofrhe Lord , I fa. I I. Io. and he fills their empcy hearts. A MalefaCtor may drteJm he is before che Kin~, when he hath his Fecrers on his legs ; bur his dream feeds him nor, but when he awakes, he is hungry : And fo 'tis wich many a carnal he.m that is in a dream for a time, bu~ he mc;t!ts norwithetern,tlfacisfaaion, F[11(.65-4- &: Pfat.9o.14. And hence men after they have had their peace, grow mGre bold eo. !in, and m0re imrenitl!nt in tin, and more worldly than ~~er before, becaufe they ha\!e nor everlafling joy; a> th0fe, Ift~·3 5.Io, E verlilfting ;oyes fha/E be ~~jon their hMd ( whe;eas a carnal hem harh foon et~ough ofGpa) not ~erlallina, without inrermiffion of}oy, for they mu!t have tbetr , night~ <)nd rem, as weU as their days and joys ; bur ever! aGing, without deaay of joy ; that chougb rhey have rheir rears, yet God wip~> che:n away ; there is norhj11g elf~, their joy, their peaf:e, and fo rhcir aemsare for ever fatisfied here. As Cbrift, when he kno1v ic was jini{f:ed, now hegeve up the Ghoft, fo when r~e foul finds he is come, now icdie> to the world, and makes icsperperua.l abode m hi:n. {)~hers will h.w~ their Carrion, and their ftolen waters, how dem foevet rh~r wire their mow:hs. . Bat have nor chcrSaims many, reproache,, perfecucions? Rom.S.I8, Tbeyaren•t w•rthy the Glor1tobe revealed. ~Cor.4.I7. Thej 'll'•rk_11 weightojG(oxy, ~iadin thel~tbleyglory. · Dh~ht LqrJs Lwtu fhed in their hoAJ'u! Ru.'11.5•3,5· · ~ur have rhey nor many lo!fes, and w1nts, and ftraighus? and Eh~:n where is · their j0y i\. . . A carnal h;e.m he murmnres h1dc<.ld, an,d linkS, a}1d dies a.woy, hQt 'ns uot fo I here, Hai..3.17 ,I_8. A $aint cake~ i~ out im him, in the Lord, it.makes all the · workt too narrow fw him. Orhers are bJo~rnt and conf~Jmed in the fire, bur fo