ten Virgins Opened and Applied, [o is nor he rh1r h.1rh rhe Son of God wirh him. ObjeEt. 3· But he harh many lins and Temptations. · , I ht:I·5,6,7. You_ great~ rejo;ce !n the Salv~tion re/erved for yotl, thoYf!.hnow your F arth have aprcetom mal by ma.,ifold temptatzon;. · But are nor rhe hearrs ofrhe Saints raken otf from rhe Lord, an,d raken up vvirh Object. 4· other things? . No, never as arm! mens are, T.tt.2.I 2, For Gods Grace that bath appeared Anfw. to tl:em , teaclm? them to deny world'; tufts, as we deny children. their askin~. , They m.1y greedtly carry the foul by firs from the ~ord, but he de~tes them rhetr · fill in any Crenure, and calls rhem a!fro come up hzther. He demes rhem as we , do Reggars enaancc, 2nd if rhey do enter, ?e denies them l?dging, rhey !hall noD have uo::>d loo\s fro:n them. Every vtle heart harh etrher a proud, or ! worldly, ~~ coverous hem, and rhefe lu!l:s being urgent and enrrc1ting long, he ' cannor deny rhe:n rhe beft roo:n he has. Ob •ris rhe woe of men they C.lnnor ' bur do tb)ls . 1 But rhus you fee rhi; world is ca!l: our, and Glory co:nes in ro all Sainrs : Oh ' rhi< world is rhe caufe of all lin! 1. \•V.1y do mennegleC1: duties in fecret? z. Sleet> ar Meetings? 3· Though fof.1irabro.1d, yerpaffionare ar ho:ne, and !l0rms there? . 4· Whence .1re wars •md wr.111gliHgsabour r.1tei and lots? Oh this world! 5. Whence Apofhcy? 'Tis nor with you as in former ri•nes, worfe now rh 111 in Ferfecution; and Sermon-proof now? Oh this world! . Whence is hardnefs of hem? Oh fomrhing of rhe world eJ!eth you! And whence is ir rhar men with rich flocks are goodly things, and wondred ar ; and Holinefs and w.1lking wirh God, and rhings of Heaven are nothing? Oh this evilwGrld 1 Oh Adulterers and Adulrerefes, know y01t not th.1t you hare rhe L~rd, and the Lord you? 'Tis the c~ure of all thy lin, but fee wlrQal •ris the caufe of all rhy forrow, Hewen and the Glory of that would enrer, bur for ir, but that itcannor, becnire rhou arc fult'of ir. Ob poor Creltures, rake your Farewel quickly of it, or the Lord will meet with y.'lu for it! Cry to rhe LGrd, oh call me ro co:ne up · unto thyfelf! Thus you fee rhe Fw!nefs of rhe Spirit wbich the Saints have; and therefore rbar conceit, th.u S.1inrs h,we nothing where')y to difcern therP. , lerir·for ever perilh ;md rot. I . SECT. VII. . •f ' TAke bed you f.1ll n0t lhort of rhe GrKe of God, of the pro:nife and Spi- U1e. 4· ' rirofGrace,Heb.r~.15. OhgetOyl'in yourVe!fels! Whenthereis OfE:..·hm. much counrerfeir Cold abro.1d, every man will have his Sca les, and not only loo~< and rub, @ur he will weigh every piece he takes : vVas rhere ever more Counterfeits •broJd, or fuch li:11ilirudes of the Truth ? Infomuch as fome in their Opinion<, rhink ir impoffible, orhers in their praCl:ifes find ir hard and very difficult to diltinguilh the one fromrheorher. Oh but rhereis ava!l:diltanc<! and ditference! 'As ever you loo\( for Mercy, get rhis Oyl in your Velfel. As ever you loo\ forpe.Ke, know rhar you have ir in your Velfel. I am perfwaded that there is toever a foul that follows the Lord tremblingly and te~1de: Iy, but when he hem of rhis , fends up his fi~hs, uood Lord let me nor fat! here; berrer never have had rhy N1•ne in my Forehe.ld: nor atfeCl:ion in my heart, th.m ro want Oyl in my Velfel: And I am perfwaded he tre-r.bles ro think, wh_ar if I lhould peri <'h ar rhe la!l? And yet ho·.v many never have 1lrong fear.s of f.nlmg here, thlt hwe moll: owe fu ro do. This Parable is direCl:ed ro Virgi11