Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

_ 2.,24_\ T'he'Parable ofthe _ __._ \ Virgin-Churches ar the lall period of the decrepit wo:ld_; 11her~in_mcd1inks tP.e Lord Jefus fpelkS UntO hts pe3ple, There is much profethon, ati:ectlOn) but on / takdeed you pe~il1> not for want of oyle in yeur Vdld. Le. all your c.ue be I ro gcttlut,and fear to wane that, wherein the Lord doth anfl\-er rh at, _and qneliion, and thought of his people: Oh what if I l1•ould perith at LlH? Ce· o··l 1 in your Velfd then,md if the brd Jefus lud been of min.:e dm there are tfo inberenc gr.Kes in the S.1ims, or fo dim they cmno: be known, or if known you :are not to refped rhe·:n as any figns, but ro loo'.< for a wtm<:ls o£ grKe upon ,)OLt,or out ot you, wtrbout ro:fpectmg or lco~ungupon grace m you, be would ne1·er h.we reco:ded this Par~ble, which· ro wife Virgins i; ro prevent thofe conceiprs: Oh therefore how many fallllwrr here, and reg.:rd nm rhis! _ I .So:nc f.tllihlrt here by truliing w,and omnifying or Chrilt tmd _ gra::e~regardmg!>Ot any grace wtrlun; they fepa[J[e thofe dotngs tram one .mo:ber whtchGod ha:h ;oyned, and' whtch a gracicus heart ;oyns one ro anorhe: : They rerpccl: nm f.mcl:ihcation, f.1ith or vocation, they look w Cnriit, .md c.m they honour Chrilt enougli? Hence proters rhey that rcg.1rd rhofe things haYe rrutl ed w their fr;enes ', of hem, and rhcy fcotfe at them tlm look ro be Jultified by F.1i rh : Tis fucb a 'delufion .1s is like!y to deceive (if po!Jible) the ve7 Eleit. Look as it W.l; with I the lf'':''"iim, r S"".'· 4· They were overthrown in rhc bat~el of the Pl:iliflines; but s the c.wle, Oh fend for the .Ark__ where the flrength and prefence of God ! wM, but 1Yh.1r good did tbe Ark do them wirh unhumJied hearts, looked '_ to due, and rrulted to dur, but minde nor rhemrc\ves; and hence when Samuel I bids rhe.n turr;from their idols, and fer·vethe Lord only; now tbey do ir; ro here. ) 2. So ~ne only loo~< to rhe om-fide, like.rh?re rlut bui~t the tombes and painted 1 the Sepulchres of the Prophets: And hence 1f they be 111\VJrdly zealous for ex- r 1 1 r.::nul ~rder, Cer.::mony, Ordina~Kes, cmiage in garrr.ems, fpeeches, &c. ! I. they rhmk rhe bm.::rnefs of dearh IS f'Jfl, when (fgag-hke [hey arc clad wirh I fucb fofr r.umenr, and hence 1f th.::re be rranrgrei1JoH h.::re 'ns fad: But what if 1 . tbcy w.1lk with unbroken hems? oh rhey rerpeCl: nor tbis ! And fo rteir care] 1 be-ngraken up in trimming and making the Vdld bright, .rhey neglect ro get ' O)Ie Wlthlll. / 3. Some f.11l ihorr here by thinking rhis thought, rh,,t rh.1r grace which is in-' 1 lv.ud is alfo fincere and unf.1ined : And hence do nor Judge thcmfelves profplune nor civtl, l::ec.mfe of their protciiion, nor yet Hypocrites bec.mfe rhey do ! no. t make only an o.urw.trd_l1>ew, when .1s rhe dee2efl hypocrifie lies under much inw:wd .~!fcCl:irm rime': And hence they take ~very fuch w~rk upon uu(ll wtrbour 1 veit,hing ir, if double guilr, and rherc is no l11ew of Copre~, put it up, I never e~1quiring where the bounds of truth and hypocnii_e p1rt; And hence if. , rbey hwe imv.ud comfort thmrgh by a dream, rhcy r~ke lt; If upon rhetr lick beds afrer trouble rhey have h.1d peace, rhq take iron rru{t; if rhey h•,·e any pro!ni!c of reli and pe.1ce, or feel fome deiires, love ro Ordinances, and Gods r enple; rhey rake hold on promifes, and rruH rhe.nfdves without, wirhout weighing: Sudden work is fu,:er!icial. , 4· So ~ne tee! a w.'nt of there things, and conrcnr rhe'llfekcs wirh defires, and fo never coile robe indeed they deiire tO be; Its rrue, S.1rnrs feelw.1ms and deilre fupply : But r. They are never l.rrisfied till 'ris fo it1deed: !r1y flefhu meat ;nJ<ed. 2. They .1re hurrible and vile in their own eyes till the Lord help; but ,there· like Solomons flug~ard, d~fire and have not; where_as in rhi~gs of lefler worrh \ I they wtrT not do fo, They wlll not only defire, but mdeed ull the grouud; If i 1 ony negle.:!~ ro ti 11, though they anrwer, I de!Jre, and God accepts rim, eYery one I i will Ct)~ l1e is deceived ; tbeir hunger 'is their food; they build rhe lluggards nefl: I of defire, and rhe~e fir: Oh therefore uke heed you fallnnt l11ort here! Take f h~ed your pr.l\ers and defires prove nor lnie and unf.1irhful Meffecgers which · i you rend ro your Friends to co!11e and help yuu, an:l they go hJif 1v.1y and no furl ---~..._ th~r, '