Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

'• ten Virgins Openedand/lpplied. d:er,andncver fetch them to you indeed. Ob therefore get oyle in your Veffels donor only fear the torci, but fear him greatly, r Sam. r 2. 18. bo nor Oll· ly cJeave ro the Lord, but wirh rhe whole h~,ur , and cle.w~ ro him onely ; Beg this of rhe Lord. Look as poor people when rhey come to nch men rim b.we fuJi heaps, do lay, let m@ h.we full me,1iure, my family is poor, and charge gre.1r! So .!<ere. 22) Confider if once you get this _ir,will never die, it {hall inqc1fe exceedingly : A!otz~e t. Its ·a rre.1fure you cannot part Wttna!; that you !ball never grow poor w,rh; bur L11k§8. I8, From him that hathnot,fha/1 be fltk§n awa;thmwhich he feemed to hav~. Oh many a one fairh, I I tbll fJII at bH, and I finde my hem fo foon cM!- cd;Oh get this, no~bing fh,1!\ quench it again I lf you fay I c~nnor k~ep_ it , 1 f.1y It fhaU keep you, Prov. z. ro, I r. Not when you haYe Clmtt and Spmr, and grace in your h~ad,nor in your Confcicnc~ to ~i1•e you pe,Ke, but m your he.trt; and wbeiJ noth111g ts fweet but that, nothmg hes bemee:1 your hearc and that; it fhall now prefen•e anJ keep thee, tt !hall lollow thee, fill thee, real thee, live with thee, go to helven with thee, &c. Mark this )OU feeble ,mes. · Ob conhder what a fad tl1ing it will be to thy h<:.:lrtto mils of; and lofe rhe Motive 2 Lord at !all; The fervants in lfaac's Family did not mourn fo n;uch a~ Ef4u ' when the bleffing was gone. Why ? They never _h.1d bore of it, ne1·er IYere ' neer ir. Hewas fo long in r!Je field due rbe blcllmg Was g')ne before he came, and he fold it away for a trifle : So them dut never c,m1e fo neer the Lord and his bleffing, never will have fuch forrow,efpeci,lll y w think I fold j.t away for a trifle: 0 thought Ejau that I had come a little fooner, &c. \IV hen St~ul wenr to Gilgalto facritice, 1 Sam. I 3. ro. H~ftaid [even days, and then fac-rificcd bif•re the Lord, but then his doorn was paffed by God: And its faid prefendy Samttel came, Oh if he had llaid a little longer! S:> yQU will one day think, I fouoht and waited but forfook the Lord. Oh had I waited one day mo:·e I had b~n well. This is the reafon why the Hypocrite~ porricm is heavief! in He!!. You will f.1y, Ic will be hewy hereafrer, bur not now ? Yes, now to if you do Motivt 3. confider the Lord Jefus is fo f.ull, and thou not ro have one drop of that which i' (;wing, even when yon come for ir. It vvas a heavy token of the Lords anger, I Sam. I 4·17· when the Lord anfwered not all that day (wten yet he did nor fpeak'bit- ~er rhings ag?.inll: them) beClufe he did ufe to do ir : It notes the anger. of rhe Lord Jefus ; as a man th>Jt bath abundmce of bre,ld, and yet 'gil'ei not any, this argues he is very angry if be continue [o; and if fo, how canlt rlv:>u !le.!p under it ? ' Confider, elf~ the Lo:d will rry you ; God hatb)is trying rimes , and rhey Moti'lle 4IYere n~ver fem b1:t ro d1fcover who were drofs, who were gold, and rl-;e main end of all Gods Try.1ls is to difcover thi; Truth rhl t ~ now .am pre"JJ,, g upon you. Son:e have a thorow work, and novv the Tryal dtfcovcrs the Tru~h, a<;. in Ahraham,Htbr.I I.I7. So!ne hJve fuperficial work, and rhey f.\ !I in Tryal, "' Saul, and ir doth difcover it was bur an overly work .; Forrhis is the O!!ef1i o11 God make<: Is it through or·nq ?l,fairha carnal heart, Yes,faitb a.gracious heart. Hence its itrange to fee what men will do when a rryal come; . A 111.1in- ' tains a luf!, he 11 ill not il>ew il', nor defend it, he 01all turn to be of foT:e Of-inion or crber, and rhe corruption of his minde fhall 0Jew rhe corrupian of hi < hem: A manloaths the people ofGod, bur be faith heloves them ; now rhis i11all b~ a lign : Time fhall come thn fame of them Dull be mme t· of offence ro him, and fhall nOf horyour him, ir Oull try him. A man !oaths Ordinance< he faith he dorh nor, bur l:omes·to the worlds ertd to enjoy them. He 0Ja!l have plenty of rhe:u, and fo~e fad lolfes with theen, and then you fhal! fee be ft•rfets ofrhem,never qmdmed by them, to !hew the work was bnr overiy. A n:ans hem is above God, he fairb he is content to' lie at the I.ords difpofe, let htmcloany thing with hi.!ll, th;s co:nforts him. He fhall hlve·a crofs wife, or G g lo :r:e-