2.2-8 1 The'P arable ofthe , ----------------------~--~------~-1 Obf. 4· 0!eft· Anfw. CHAP. XXI. rhat true faring (jrace in the Hearts of'Belie-vers ·can ne-ver fail. SECT. I. THat thofe.Grllf.eiOfthe Spirit wherewith thofe Heaven!; Vtjfels, or Soult of the F airhful 11rt filled, are conftant and of 1m etern11l Nature. For thus the wife Virgins, .rheir Veffels were n_or onl_y filled, but the Oy!was con(hnrly preferved m them, anrJ connnu~d 111 their Veffcls \ unri! they met the Bridegroom. 'Tis true, their Lamp wenr our, outwJrd aCl:s of r~e spirit of Grace, expreffed ~n ~he Profeflion of the Saints may be exdnCl: for a ume, yer rheOyl d1d rcmam m the Veffel Lltll, wh1chwasnot fowichthofe which were Foolilh, nor only their Lamps were our, but their Oylw JS fpenr; fo that here is a third Difference betlveen the Foo/,jh andthew,fe Virgins: That rhe Spirit of Grace in the one is of a dying, withering nature; in rbe other, ofan er~rnal and everlalling nature. There is an eternal excellency ftampr upon rhem, John 4·I-1-· The waterthllt I fhallgivehim, fha!l be in him, no Pools, but aperperualliving Spring. H~b.6.9. Some that wer~ mlighrned and tajled,fell awa.7, but we areperfwaded better thmgs ofyo~. The Samrs hlve better rhmgs , which do notclufe, but accompany Salvauon. The Lord is fofar fromfufferingic eo die, as rharhe will add ro it, Lu~&.I8. To him that hathfhall begive'!· Thouoh it be like Mufhrd-feed, yet it {hall grow; there IS a ~ro·.ving vertue in it. But as the Lord fpeaks of his people, If~t.6 5.8. As new wme io in the Clufter, and one faith, deftro;itnot,f•r~tUeffing isinir,Joitjhallbe here. Nay, though itbenot fo much as feen, yer the Lord then can fee it, and dorh then keep it, and will prefcrve it, Jfa.40.l9,30,3I. Nay, though oppofed and relifledby temptation, yet, I Per.1.6,7. 'Tis not confumed, but tried, that it mal bero Glory another day, norwithlbnding manifold temptations. •fis one of the greateft Miracles in the world eo preferve it, as a Spark of fire in aSea of water : Nay, though ic feems to a mans feeling to be quire quenched and put onr, due aman finds no more than a Reprobate, yet the Seed of God then remains, and ir will break out 1gain. There is life at the bearr ~nd fap at the roor, yet the Lord will fetch ,rhem again. When rhe Lord of Glory w.ts crucified, and all the Difciples fled, nor one fp;ke for him, none durft confe{fe him, yet the Lord recurns ro. them, and they again to him. SECT. IT. H 0 W conm it to h thm immortal and ofan eternal n11t11re ? ' I. 'Tis nor only in regard of rhe power of Grace received, though it were rerfeCl:, for then Ad~tm had nor fell from ir. "· Nor in the freedom of a man fro:n rempocions, fOr rhen the Angels h1d nocfallen. 3· Nor yerin the power of a mans own warchfulne(s and care to keep it, For if tf,e Lord lzeep n•t the City, tl:e watchmenwa~ but in vain. I 4· Nor yet in che power of any means ; as m1ny think, if under a povterful MiniH:ry,then they are out of danger.'Tis not in Paul, nor Apollos,but in rhe Lord. , M~