~3~-\ ~be'Parableofthe 1 bemcomenr. Forfrutus rhe end ohhe nee; growth, :md le.we; and fruit is i not for rhe tree, bur for rhe comemof rbe owner of ir. Iffo the Lord bath undertaken ro purge thee, though rhere be much Self-feeking in rhee,and h.e ha rh und~rraken though lmle at pretcnr, to make thee bear more fruir. M my a mati bath much atfe6tion and ~race, but when he harh it, what i; i" but leave, ro adorn 1 and beautifie himfelf? But he live; not ro the Lord; anoth~r man will live ro the , ILordinwh,lthe doe;, the Lord is fode1r,andhimfelffovile, as thlrhedotil ,thus. · I ttfe j. I J l 4· If you pray for it in ChriLts Name. Objert. M.mypray. A>{w. But when Cnrifl: and you pray rogerher, you will fpeed; and then Chrifl: praie~, when his Spirit cnes at the Thro!le of Mercy, thenh~mle:f is at rbe Throne of Ju!tice. Aitd his Sp!rit cries, I. Not for an unfit pe:fo~1, that h1th fomc Cight ch.mge, bm for his Samrs, whofe hearts are endeared ro htm lnJ bts whole will. 2. Nor for an >evil or private end, bnt the Lords. 3· Not coldly, but with groans unutterable. \ Is it thus with thee? Oh then howcanH thou fall.' Do!H..!ar S.1t.1n, Mat.I 6.18. he Gull nou prevlil ag.1inft rhee, but thoa Gulr give the lafl blow and WOLind. \ Dofl: feJr the world, the deceits of it? M.,t.14.14- (if pojfibluhe ele!:l) Dofr fe.1r rhe evil or good thing~ofir,John I7.1 3.tho11ghin the world,ycr Chrijlpr"':JSyou . - ~may be delivered from the cviloftt. Do(t fear thy fin, thar will fepame? .Anfw. Rom.6.2. Horvcan.we that are dead live '"'! 17nger therein? 'Tis a Hrong, but a wounded, but adymg enemy. DoH fear the Lord,thou halt w.1lked fo mnvorrhy of him ? He will not break._the bruifdreedtill judgment come to vi[}oTJ, d:ouoh little, thou!?h weak. Oh therefore be comforted again(t this in thefe ti!!:e;, fvhich are apof!~tical, dedining , evil daies, and blefs the Lord! -· SECT. V. HEnce we learn what verdiet to pafs and gi\·e in concerning rhofe men that decay and fa!~ vff from t~e Lord. They never had Oyl in rheir VefTel, 1 never had dra::n ofGrace ll1 t~ett heart, Thu;, I John z.I 9· If tf:ey had been ofm, I would doubdej{e havecontmued wrth m. It feems they were [uch men which 19 e:ninem and exce\lem, as that there were no br,>nJ, nor marks upon them/ to give notice ro the Churches that rh~y were markt om for apof!acy, but were 1 ! on! y difcovered ro b: unfound by their apofbcy ; and dus IV .1S argun:eP.t soc.d enouoh. Hence CbnCt, when forr:e of the Jews begm to behere 111 him with a 1 temp~rary Faith, John 8.31. lfmJ Word continue in Jou, !'"re ml Difcipfes; <Sir/ he {hould fay, your Faith is a l~ancy, if it continue not. Look rheefore as the J Prot.,het faid, Z11ch. I. 5. Your Prophm, where are theJ? Tour F ntl:ers, where Are , they'? So fay I to you ; Y?ur T~m, your Tenderne_rs, !'our Gro.mi11~<, y~ur I Heaft-bre1kmg, Pr.1yers, c:;;-c. \N here are they? . Is 1t ~Vtth ~hem as wnh i11Ips rhat are [unk and wrackc, fomc of rhe nbs rc1P.1111, which gi\'es you to fee and I [ay, chcre IV:<< afair G1ip, ~ut it·s funk, I Tim.1 .I 9· . Mak! fhip:vrflc/z.ofConfli- l and fo h;le rhe'r Fmh alfo. Some men for a um.:: fee:n to keep awhole Con[cicnce, wind and w.lter-tire, they can pafs through many Horms, yet at hit ir breaks, and when chat is loft, rheir Faith is lo!l alfo. Their Faith before God and Confcience before men, both of rhe:n bre.1k. Now there :ue rwo forts of Apof!ates : I. Op:!n in mens life, wbo!e falls are like the falls of a mighty rree, it falls with noife, '}nd breaks down all the nder-wood : So rheir f,1lls make a noife in all the Counrry where rhey \iYed, 1 and by their f.!lls [ome _arefadded, others offence? and d1mned. 2. Secrer, when men are Apofhtes tn hearr, Prov. I+ 14. whtch have chofen forr:c !inful way<, Jer. <. When •tis with men as it W,JS with S&Al, there is no com:nendation-ofbimbut rhis,th.lt hewlshigher by the head and l11ou!ders then of: l