~------------~------------------~----~~~-- The Parable ofthe man is good in quiclming. co~pany, but when iniquiry abaufzds, his love waxeth cold; wherels when thele f~1l, a holy hem grows bc:uer. That which make; tbeonc to fall, makes tteorher to fear, and io to Hand. A Conc<lircarriesa man on, but when his Conceit is gone, he falls. Look as •ris with dc.1d men they may have ~eat and colour, bur 'tis from the fire l a living mm !TI.Jy be cold: and his bc1uty gone, yer he comes to be: hot ag1in, not fro:n cxrenul he.1t bur imemallife within: He can ger himfelf he.1t, as we fay, fo 'ris here. Or as 'tis with the Clock and the Sun, the one move; by Arr, the orher by narure. 2. Suppofe there be fome inward Spirit to raife their Atfc:dions,yer thete arace5 arife in them without rbe dellrucHon of the co;mary Corruption. And fo a~e like to M•fes burning Bulb, the Bufh burning, but ya mt bJ<rnt. And rhu; ir was wirh Balaam, {~tddmly the Spirit •f God t·am~ upon him, and ht faw the 6eam7 of JaCJ6s Tents an~ bt~ed rhem above all people 111 rhe wodd, yet ~m covewus, malicious h(arr agun{t them was not confumed: We never re.1d of Jif,laams rnournina for w.mt of the light 0' their glory, and of love.co rheir .perfons and polh~riry ;'\m rhe graces ofthe S.unts do anfc from the dymg of the contrary lull: ot corruption which they fee and are fenfihle of; and hence the aet of grace ce.1fe:h fame- ' i:nes, becaufe 'tis oppofed by corruption, yet the being of it rem.1ins in full pow- ,er, though noc in rhe exercife thereof, becolUfc 'tis in fuch a SubJect where cori rupcion is dying, nor living; f.11ling, not raigning. ChriH dies , and fo lives in his people; whe.re Chrilt is indeed,rhere we a~e fir!l: burie~ wirh Chrill:, before 1 we are ra1fed by h1m. Paul could do gre.1t thmgs for Chnll:, yet fomerirne is weak , becaufe his Hrengd1 arofe fro:n the feafe of his 01vn infufficiency m lthinka good r~ought.The Saints fee gre.1~ things ~ut •ris in fuc.h away, as that tb~ty tbat foe >;•t,m,ghr fee, ]oh.9. 39· 1'11f!l!s fomenme fer at hberry fro!n pricking i remptauons, yet he hath rhem fomenmes th1r he may feel them, and fo be railfed aaain. Hence many people fuddenly finde they love the people fJf I God, ~nd love the Lord, bur never felt the contrary iin ; fufpec1 'cis but a pang, as Capernaum 1v_~s much affeel:~d, yet rcpen~ed nor. . 3 • The contmuanc.e of the niings o~ aSamt are ltfe r? h1m, they are his J ife ; ,his coolings, and dec!mul,&.s, ~nd d.ccayml?s, death: Bur, contra to all Hypocrite, I the continuance of h1s attec1wns 111 Ordmances are deaths and burdens to him '· the lofsof them his liberty and life, wherein heallowJ himfelf. ' As for example, T ~k~ an Hypoc~·ire ro prayer, he is atfected for a time, butler him be long at it, he IS hke a , F1tb m a.Feaver fit. out 0f the water, M"l. I. I 3 • So for fmctifyincr the Sabbath, and bemg very lln~, but Hay long here 'ris death 'ris burdenfome t~ him; and hence we tball fee hts decays are his life, and rha~ which makes him walk loofcly is, fo:neti:ne he r.ei:ents and beleeves, and harh his Canoflic.11 fet hours of pr~yer, and he thrnks this '.s enough_, and pleaf~rh 1-:imfelf wirh thi~ (who is conltanr?) Bur now take a ch!ldc of God when hts heart is enlarged forrhe Lord, that is heave~; ir_is his fo~d, and now he is in health, as Paulfai<il, I The[. 3· 7,8. Now welw~, if!o;e cantmue Jledf4f: So for others, fo alfo with himfelf, Prav. 4· 2 ~.and 1f 1t mtght be ever r?~s, then happy ; and the thoughrsofthis fweerensheaven; bu~ rakeaw~ythefe, ns hts d<mh ;and•hence he oroans to God for the removal of tr, Pfal. I 19.4,5· What good cloth Chrifl me~cies, Ordinances, heaven do me wirh fuch a heart ? Be not difcour~ged yo~ people of the J.ord, aor encouraged you rh~r.u<! goo.d only in you! Moods, .as rhe winde rums you ; whatever love you hJve us whonlh, and whontb rears, 1f you follow rhe Lord and yet hlve your haunts, whatever fervice you do ir is odious • ro God, tQ work all day for another ~,1Her !. and twice a d~y come to the Lord for bre1d. Do you rhink rbe Lord hkes thiS, to ralte of hts grace, .and make a me.1l of y01·r lu(ls ? SECT.[