Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

THE Seco11d part b F THE PARABLE· I CHAP. I. Of Carnal Security in Virgin Cburibes. sEcT. I.' . Matth, 25, 5. ' Whilft the Bridegroom tarried, they all flumkred and fiept. II N this Parable w~re noted two things; Firfl, The Churches preparation to meet Chrifl from verf.I.tO 5· Secondly, The Bridegrooms coming out to meet them, from verr. 5. to Iz. · . I.n this fecondparr,which now we are to open, three things are to be atrended unto ; ' • ~ I. The delay of CbriGs coming, or the Chrill before he come, verf.5. · 2. The preparation he makes for his coming, a little before it, from verfe 6. to verf. Io. by an awakening cry, which makes all the . Virgins look about them. . . 3· The coming it felf; where thofe that w~re ready, were with ioy let in;· and thofe that were unready were with l11ame 111ut out. . . A a a ·x. T_ht , ' I