. men may be foon full of that; b~r when fieep comes, many hours are lirrle e•ouoh ro enrerrain that: Some fins are fweerfot a time, as a i1vm meal and away~ bur !lbth is a' fweeter.lin than any elfe befides. J.et a.Cbriitian :ask his he.m, \"\>hen be can rake no content in Pors, o~ loofe company, or' Q!!eans, and can find none in rh~ L~rd,yet rhis will give hiln cafe, vi<>.his !loth: Wheh he is weary of rhe Wold, and of vvalking vvid\ God alfo, yet llorb is his delight; and hence he crys, A little more flumJJt r and Jlcep.' tm:itl dert:u£1:/on c mes .~, an armed man : When a man delights not !n his Vl!ife, Cblfclren, Ricn~s , Honors, yer is he fometirr'tes concencedly fvval!ovV'ed up vvirh his fleep and rei1:. :; .Becaufe Sltan doth make his !l'rongeH forces ready alway to bring a mati dir!t into rbis lin; becaufe this makes vvayforrheentrance of all fin and mifery; no people fo happy as the Ifraelites , vvhile they vvere awakened and up with God; no mifery could hurt them, 'jer.z.r, z,3 . but when rhey forgot him, all mif~ry came in; While the Jfrong man kJeps the '1' alace, hi! go•ds 6e _at peace ; it's his care to keep men fecure and fiill. SECT. IV. J 5 Prov,6. 9,1o. L Er us the~f~te now examine whethet th!s fin be not our. fin i11 this r. Country, 1f It be not begun among us ; '1f we be not fleepmg, yet ate V; e. 1 • we nor ll••mbering? if we are not Virgin-Cburdhes, why li'ave we the name of it? if we be Virgin-Churches, then make fearoh ifthis be not our lin; w~ hav~ all our beds and lodgings provided, the Lord hhthmade them eafie to us ; We never looked for fuc.h d<ys in New-Eng!anil, rh~: Lord hath· freed us·fro:n the pain and anguilh of our Confciences; 1ve have otdinances to.thl full, Sermons too Iona, and LeCl:ures too many, and private meetings too frequent, a large profeffion many have made, bwt are you not yetweJ r'j? if wea•y, hot fieepy, not {lumbering? it may be on you l;ieforeyb'U are aware, ;~nd you not know it; and when fo it is, it may be fol!weet char you may be lbth to fee it1 that fo you may forfake ir. Let meknod<again, is it notfo? Let me come roev.ery mans bed fide, and ~sk your confciences. . r. H~ve you not forgot your God, and forgot your work ~lfo ? rhe bu/ihefs for which you made this great undertaking ,? 'I' f a/. tM.i~. Wh~~ 1h~y were faved from rhe Sea they foon forgar the Lord :Harh not the Lord by a ttrtrched~ out arm brought thee and thine through feas and dangers, a·nd delivered you wonderfully? are no: all his kindnelfes forgotten ? all yout Promifes forgotten? When the Lord had brought the l (raelites out of thei r eaptivity, and fome hopeful b~ginnings were, they came for the Te111pk; tlie duit vvas preci- : ous, but Gods·houfe did lie wa!te, H 11g. r . ~,6.Conjider ;•~<r way!; 1'10 fu<tn pfufpered fcar.ce in his e!bte ; God did blow upon their corn beeaufe theyforgat their end. What was your end of comi r.g hither? d\e Ordinances ofGod, the , prefence df God ; and oh one day there better than a rhoufand elfewhere ; hath ltb->en fo? No, but asi.tis verf.9. Everymantarns tohis own houf!': Every man for himfelf, to their own houfe, lot, .accomtnodation, provillon !'or chif-' dren ; and in the inean ~vhile the Lords houfe lies wa!te, you build not up that; the Souls of thy Brethren in Church-fellowlhip, yea, of tlly family are rtol' built up ; the Lords houfe is defpifed now ; and it's like the Schools of th~ Prophets, and much more. Oh thought we, if we had fuch priviledoes, how ' would we improve rhem_! but when we have therti, have we th~ fame rhoughts? do vve not forget them , hke men that come to a place fo r galct, and find it not . wir@ut __