Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

I . · Opened and Applied. ~-7-:· - oone to the fores of mens heads and hearts, and rhefe are believed alfo ~ and ~no re dre:uns men have that are never fpoken; every man bath fome dr~nken conceit that rocks him afleep; dreams are qutte contrary to the truths. . What meancth rhefe, if men are not fleeping? Fir{l:, Drunken dreams of the world. Secondly, golden dreams of grace; that thefe things advance grace which indeed dellroy grace ; rhat there is no grace in the Saints, no grace in Chri!l, no humane Nature, no promife to evidence grace; no Law to be a Rule to rhem that bave received grace: Who would think that ever any lhould fo fall by a fimple woman,> Bur if this be nor general ; yet look how do men begin to dream concerning the world ? fcarce a man but finds want, or is well; if he wants, Oh 1ben, if I had fuch a lot about me, fuch an elhte, how well then were I ? . and e contra, They that have it, and no1v they take their reil : Tak! heed, faith the Lord, ]OUT heartl be not overcome with cares ; So fay I to you. 6. Doth not the Lord oft awaken us, yet we fall to fleep again ? the Lord awakened us by the Pequot Hornet, yet what ufe is there made of that? cloth not the Lord oft meet us in an Ordinance, but he is foon loll and gone again ? Is rhere a man that hath nor had his crofsfince he came hither, as lofs in cartel and eHare , a dear Husband , Childe, Wife dead ? a fore and lharp tick- . nefs,&c. he barb been exercifed wirh,&c. but do we nor fleep flill? if it be not thus, it will come; fear it forrim'e to come; butifir be rhus, thenlfay no ·more, but J;.now it, you are in your enemies band ; and in fuch an enemies band , that if you mourn not under it , will open the door either to the entrance of fome grofs fin and temptation, or for fome heavy and fudden wrath. It's fufficient for me this day ro lhewyou where your hurt lyerh. SECT. V. HEnce fee the reafon why men are worfe in Virgin-Churches, than in Ufe z. polluted places, and why ir is fo generally ; Becaufe here are more ti:mprarions ro make them all flumber and fleep; here their beds are made fofr, he:e the l.torms are pall, here they are underrhe tbadow, and our of the fun, and fecuriry opens the door for an enemy: No wonder if the City be takeh though never {o !lrong, if it grow once fecure: no· ~vonder if the world be enrred, and men are grown more worldly ; and if Satan be enrred, and , men grow more paffionare than ever before ; no wonder a mans work be negleCl:ed, if he be afleep, Ordinances more fligt:Jred than ever before : Never lhall you fee Security fall upon aman alone, bur ir brings its trainwith it; when the Husbandmen fleep, tares will lie fown, an,d when the Difciples fleep, I temptations will enrer ; This is that which the lord te!lifies of his people, 1er.z.z,J,4· I remember what thou didfl in times of llreighrs, inaland not fown ; every one that touched yem did offend; bur in the feventh and eighth verfes,when brought to a plentiful CGtmtry, they did nor fo much as fay, Where is the;: Lord that hath done this for us! But yet the Lord que!lions his people for this, what iniquity have ;ou found in me ? which queHion you cannot anfwer without grief here, or conf~fion another day. You that are the Lords, often have heard this complaint (for this may be yqur conditi )n as well as Noah's and Lot's) but now fee the caufe of ir, how hard to awake on hour? · ho~ hard co walk with God one day ? lhort awakenings you have, bur long fieeps ( thts may be your condition for a time) but you cannot continue fo for ever if Y<:u are the Lords. ~ut if you ~o continue fo, efpecially without bemoaning ,thuunto theLord, 'us a quell:ton 1'hether ever there was tliat oyl in yoor .. .ve!fel . -