Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Anfw. I. I) 'The'Parable ofthe with Jefus Chriit in rhis frame; no rhe Lord will rear down rh is foundation, and 1 make the foul cry guilry, and make this Httsband , rhe Law, to be judge , ro exa1 mme,andco~demn, and no.v come and ask, what h.we you ro pleJd for your life : :~n~ peKe, rt hlrh no plea to l11ew but mercy, &c. ir h,l(h its duties evidencing I agamll:rr. I SECT. VI. zTHe foul now comes robe Efpoufed to the Lord Jefus. Quejf.Huw? j The foul beholding rhe gloryof the Lord Jefus, makes Choice of him,as in all Marriage bonds there is a choice made, and if love be great , rhere is little fl:anding on rerms: !er me have him though I begg wirh him ; fo rhe foul fees fuch a futablenefs in the:Lord ]efus,as thar ir Hands nor on rerms,let me hwe himrhough in prifon with him,rhoughin theGarden in Agonies with him, though in rhe Crofs in defercions wirh him, he is envugh; as Peter when he faw Chrifi on rhe Sea, de- \fired he might come re him there, Heb. I I. z6. ChttJing the reproach of Chrijl, &c. And look as Chrift chuferh rhefoul, I.Thewhole fol!l. z.Everlaltingly. 3· Above all others : fo it makes choice of Chrilt, whole ChriH , Phi!. 3. 9· z. EverlaiJ:- ingly, TheLordumJpmionforever, Pfalm73·z6, And before ever you can look for communion with him, you muH make this choice of l1im, and glad too you may have him on any terms, my put it ro any foul the Lord harh done oood w, and ask ir, will you have him ? •ris fuch a mercy I cannot conceive how oge fo vile as I lhould havei~: have him, the Lord ofglory,the Prince of life and peace; 0 yes; Hence Peter fard,Majler,what fhall we have that have forfaksn all,and followed thee? you !hall !i.t wirh me on Thrones ; and look as ChriH now chttferh the foul above others, as well as in Heaven, Job;; I 5. I?· fo ir now chuferh Chrilt, whom have I in HetWe>: or earth ; many when they rhmk of death , or are dyio"' rhen chl!fehim,burnor now: or chufe him for outward bletllngs, not fpiriru~l 'ravour and life, John 6, z6, 27. 2, The foul hence gives it felf like one efpoufed to her Hu;band to rbe Lord Jefus, Cant. 2. r6. I am m7beloveds; fervanrs give work for theirwages,and maHers give wages for their work , bur Husbands and Wives give themfelves one unto another; Suirors alfo give To~'ens to draw on love, nor themfelves ; fo fervanrs in the Church, they do for God in hope ofwages , and the Lord blefferh them it may be outwardly, bur he that is efpoufed ro Chri(l, gives himfelf, Lord I can do nothing for thee, give nothing to thee , bur I give my felf ro thee; rhat rhou wouldH work in me, and by me, Rom. 6. I 3· So rhe Lord is afuitor to many aman rhat never gives himfelftohim: he gives them fome comforts, fome winning, drawing, melting mercies, but not himfelf; they give him fome entertainment, and good words, a thoufand wilhes as Capernaum did, but not themfelves; bur this mull: be, if ever you look for communion with him : hence David faith, I am thine, (tWe me ; hence fome made lllipwrack of Faith , they were not rhe Lords; hence the lord fairh, he knows who are his , 2 Tim. z. I8, 19. his fend their tokens a"'ain: for look as 'ris an evidence of much love when a man gives the dearefi thing he harh,vi:<.. his wholefelf to rhe Lord Jefus, fo 'ris alfo an evidence of little love, when he will not give, efpecially another~ qwn: thou art none ofrhine"own, thou hall bnr little love if rhou give not thy felf ro him, without which never look for life and communion wirh rhe Lord. 3. The foul hence rakes full contentment in rhe Lord Jefus, as a Spoufe harh enou"'h, would nor change for all rhe world, as Peter when he had a glimpfe of ChriHs glory,Lord,let UJ be here: or as Simeon that had been waiting for the confolationof Ifrael, when once he had Chrilt in his arms, Now/et thy fervant depart inpeace: I have enough, now let me dye, and not live to fin more; and 'ris certain