Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

I - · Opened and A_pp_._lie-rd-::-. ----;------'-9and crying one unto another to their_work, while it is called t_o d~y: Oh th~n let ev.ery man gee up, and fall to thts work of mutua~ exhornng ! ?? and vtlic one another, go and fpeak oft to one another ; and 1f thou be a chtlde of the Jioht fee 'that thou endure not thy fellow fervarirs to fleep in the open day in o~e duty or another. Kriow, if God Hirs thee, thou wilt awak~ri oth'ers, 2 (or. ~.Io. W( kJ<owin,r, the terrors ·of t~e Lo:d p:r[w11de me~. 2 • Conlider thy tabor cannot be tn vatn here ; the bell merralkd borfe needs fpurs ; o:hm are afleep. . . . You will fay tf I knew fuch,a lin I would fpeak, bur I dare nor. ./lnfw. It is rh~ cafe of all the Virgins, theyhave need of it, Judez'3 . Some fave with f ear,pulling them' out of the fire, Match. 3· 3. Conlider this isone part of your Warfare, eo keep your watch whereby you may be made conquerors; You complain you have many lins and temptations arifing and prevailing; never do they uCually prevail, but when you are fecure ; firll: the Watch is taken, and then the City is fudd:nly taken; n9w look as Paul, z. Tim.4.1•7• he hath finijhed his courfe, an_d fought his ftghr , 11nd now expt fts thc. crown; how can you end your days tn peace, chat can~ norin fome meafure finde and feel thts? The Church is the City of the living God,thls is taken , and every man in it, unlefs you be watchful, and exhort one another dait;, while it u ea/led to daJ : And that I may not fpeakin the clouds, 4· Thetr lin will be yours. Firfl, Labor eo know the llate o£ thy Brethren whom thou arc to exhort ; what their {leepy neoleC'cs be, and fins are ; it may be thou hafl: known one bath been very humble, render, affeC'ced under Ordinances, made many fair lhews and promifes of growing, ~d thriving, and fenlibly complaining of' r his own vilenefs, andnowheisin :i 'filenrfleep; DoHthouknow this, and wile nor fpeak a word eo awaken him, '~or whomChrifl: lhed his blood , who it may be will do thee as good a turn, ahdmake many a prayer forthee? Barnt~bas when he Jaw the grace.f q od, eoJhorud them with full Furpofe of heartto cleave unto him ; much more lhould you when you fee grace dying, ~ 'Fhef . 3.1 I . Paul heard that fome were idle, them he exhorts-to work ; what good might one word do ? Secondly, if you do not know, enquire with afpiric of much love, how it is with them ; as David of his Brethren when they were gone into rhe fields ; do you not decline, do you not !land llill,? how have you found your Chrifrians arc heart lince lafl: Sermon, Sabbath,Fall-, Afllittion? have you got any ground a- to give up ac• gain!l that lin you complained of lafl year? &c. Suppofe you cannot do this to counts one '" all, yet why not to fome? Suppofe you have no other place than when yo4 another of meet them in the fields, do it there,Judt zo. BHild up J•Hr felvts ,&c. Now· . <heir gains and' here a man mull know the height, how high they are built already, how can lclfes. they lay their !l6nes elfe 1 It is one of the heavey curfes of God upon the Idol Shepherd, He fha/1 not vif t the hidden , n:'r f eek_ the ;oimg, Zach. II , 16, Thirdly, If thouknowefi nothing from them, then relaterhy mvn condition, thts' is a moll lovely provocation, and exhortation'unto another frame;· for one great caufe that hardeneth men in their fecu rity, is becaufe they fee · no fuch Jiving Chrillianity in the world : But when theydo, now (Zach.S .)' many fhall raf<! hold ~f the ikjrt of a Jew, for the] fha/1 fay q.d is with JOH; Agrippa was almofl:perfwaded and awakened when he heard Paul rela:te his converfion ~ although rhere be many impo(lors in the world that do !'o. TeU 1 me, are all things in peace with yon? the Devil is in you then: What? h~fl no temptations ? yet many ; DoH not obferve how they prevail? yes ; doll ne- · ver get flrength againfl them ? yes ; hall no good days afterthem? yes, much peace and life, and prefence of God ! Hath the Lord given thefe talents to · B b b . ' .thee. '