- I _ Opened and Applie~; I . s E c T. VI!. . I ' LEt every m~·1 not only exhort hi~ brother, bur fear this himfelf; y.Ou h.we a race ro run , many enemte~ to c,onquer, fleep_ not le(! you fall iliorr, {leep not leG you be ra~en capnve: le!l tn exhorting others , your felvesprovesReprobates: I will notrell you whari fear, but Lnk;z 1 • take heed Id! your hearts be overcome ; be n?t drunk with fome delight, be not filled with vain cares ; Herice, prevent It, as "Voah mn;ed with fear mflde an Ark., . . . . , FirH, Set a btgh pnce upon thofe awakemngs and revtvmg? of heart rhar God fomerimes !;;ive rh you ; I am fure you finde thefe fomenmes. A man that barb' nothing to lofe~ will n~ep with hts door~ open in the.night ; when a man bath a treafure he wtll be watchful to keep It; all fecumy comes from an undervaluing of rh~ ~pirit o~ grace, and its _pr~fence among us, Trov. 4 . 1 3· keep her, for It ts thy hfe ; and when It IS loll, what ar~ you but dead? Secondly, Confider thy continual danger ; if enemies be ar the gates, all rbe Town is 1vatching; one would no~ think the depth of fecuriry rhar is in a carelefg heart, Pfar. 30. 6. I [a1d I {honfd never be moved; he had g0od days and a thankful heart ; then GodAid_ hide his face : !'- man would think Sampfon iliould awake when the Phthflmes ate upon btm ; bur here Devils be upon thee, I Pet-5-Io. If all be well now, yeuememberevildays; would you know when ? even then when men fay peace. Thirdly, Knowthe work you have to do, and make it your main bufinefs; · when men have weight~ bufmefs of the world in hand, they cannot fleep in · ' rh:ir beds; an~ as t~e Wt~ked, Trov.4 .I6. They jleep not without doing mJfchuf; and f<i "m tbetr matn work. . Fourthly, Call rhy felf m account daily, let not thy Sou[ [ono go on without reflettino, What do I do? Hares and Hawks kept from fleep lofe their wildenefs, tut they mufl be conllancly tended and kept watching:· So confider the account you mufl give to God, z Cor. 5· 9· wirh I I. Hence Tfag.I. 5· Sins were upon them, and they repepted nor; miferies, an1:1 thofe were not removed i becaufe they confidered not their ways, efpecially befor<: the sreat Tnbunal of God•. . I am perfwaded the reaf'?n why men walk tn tbetr fleep, and go dreammg up and down the -world, IS rhis, they confider nor, nor re flea upon themfelves ro any purpofe ;' what do r? whether go I: no Se~mons aivaken, you confider tiot of them. :B·b & ~ CHAP~ Ii