Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Ob[ervarion 2. The Parable oftbe Ten Pirgini:J ~~~!~~!~~t~~!~?l~~t!~!t~~!!~~~~~*~~!! ..,.. .... ] ... : .... :~-: CHAP. 11. Carnal Security comes l!J Degrees. SECT. L • Hat Carnal Security fa/Is upon the heartsof all men bJder,rees; for all the Viroins here firfl: ilumbered before they Jlept i they firlHall a winking and nodding (as the word lignifies) lhorr fleeps, and rhen llarrle, and awake again, befGre rhey fall ailcep for .a longe~ rime: .a~hrillianis a ilumberin~ Chrillian before hers a fleepmg Clmfhan. The trurh of th!s n:ay be fe~n nor only in rhefe Virgins, but alfo in other Examples of fecumy m rhe S<:npture: As the old World, Gen.6. 2. Th,J Jaw the <])aughters ofmeN, they le~ their eyes wander,. and their hearts lu!t. z. Then thq t~ok. themW1ves for to fola<:e therr hearts in, to p!eafe rhemfelves only, and notthe Lord ; thq ate, drank._, xave in marriage ; rhey came not to that height of wickednefs, to <:ommit Adultery, or eo live in Whoredom. · 3• Then they bec11me flejh!J and fenfual; fpiritnal things are:ouc of tafl:e and relilh with them. · 4.Noah Preachech, and they flight him; he wndemns rhem,and they regJrd not him. · 5· Then God fees a time; uo llronger means to awaken than this ; and yet they oo on ; and now they were come to their height. Sgcondly,The lfratliter. Deut.8.I 2. I. They 11te andgrew full; here is firfl: fpirirualfulnefs. z.Bieffing themfelws,in their efl:ates, herds, flocks. 3.Th~n prcHd in heart, verf.14. 4.Then they forget the Lord, and all rhat ever hedrd for them,verf.14. 5· Then men af<:ribe all which they have ro rhemfelves and creatures, verf. 17. rhough onely in their heart. 6. Then cleave toother g•ds, verf. I 9· and here lye fo fall: aileep, rill plagnrs c11me down npo11 them. Solomon [11w the fluggards Garden over-grown ; now as ir is in fields, rhe weeds do not over-grow all rhe ground in one day, but they are a long time a growing, bur by degrees rhey overgrow all, rhat when he awakes (all is fo over-grown ) he knows not where to begin: So ir is here. _ Be fober, be vigilant; fecurity is a kind of fpiritual drunkennefs; a man is not for that time his own man, not a fober man ; now this is by frequent and often fippin~; a man he is half gone firll, and then he is whoUy gone; he ~th not pre!ently drunk out all l)is fences, nCilt dead drunk; · So it is here. · SECT.