Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

U/e z. i The Parable of the Ten Pirgins~, ·~~ beonely awakenin~s benv~en thy numbe rs, which like flalbes ruddenlycome 1 and fuddenly go azam, wb1ch make rbee fl:arrle, and rub rhy eyes, anrl lhr up rby felf, but down you fall again; wbereever life is in a Cbriltian, iris ever aetingfor !piritual ends; a man will awakeR firlt with God in rbe mornin!> , a~d go firfl to ~im in prayer. ( @xtraordinary o~calio~s nor prevcming) and 6'~ IVlll go from b1s prayerco h1s work, nor as domg h1s ovvn work, bur as doin<• the Lords work, bowing, plowing, fowing for him,&c. Now when the Jil~ of ChriH doth not ad in men, and aet men, iris either becaufe there is no J"ife at all, but onely the awakening of Coufcience which foon dierh, .or elfe rhat living Chriltian 11umberetb at lealt rhen ; 11umber is upon thee rhough 11eep is not; make itoutelfe any other way. ObjeCt. If fo ( you will fay) who u not then fleeping ? Anfw. Take Lot wbilflvexed wirb rhe Sodomites, he awakens; take Paul while ro!fed up and down in difgraces and reproaches, his inward man is renewed day by day, though the outward ruan die. The Saints have fome kinde of 11eeps when they are at their belt; but thefeare lick 11eeps; but rhine are ' fweet !Jeeps ro thee. I know Chrilt may fay to his Difciples, W"(ch and pray, temptationsmly henear, butrbeireyesmay be heavy; theSpirit maybe willing, the flelb weak ; and that it is infinite mercy the Lord will awaken them, a firlt and a fecond time it may be by Sabbath awakenings, cfrc. Many cannot telL what ro make of themfelves, becaufe of their drowlinefs and Gofpel-11umber .: Metbinks rbis may break thy heart, Cannot you awaken one hour? know therefore your fin; It is a bard thing ro be fully awakened, to have all heavinefsto !Jeep taken away; rbe Lord barb taken you here alone to himfelf, you do by firs watch and pray, but it is onely as men afleep, uot awake: The ~on of man is betrayed, Chrilt, and Gofpel, and Ordimnces; and can you find m your heart now to !Jeep ? Oh therefore lhake off your !lumbers and lbort 11eeps, lelt you fall ro £Jeep; and for !Ieeping, be awakened by fome direful blow; Look upon tbofe men Ifa.z9.1o. G6d bath cl•fod their eyes, rhar is afearful rbi_ng; look upon· many profe!fors, all their favor, and hearr, and life is gone almoa, and rhey know not that they be afieep, nor all means cannot awaken them, or unfeal their minds again; God knows how far you may fall, if you give way ro a little ; efpecially if God rakes away Minitters from you, and that the Elders that have known the works of God be gathered ro rheir Fathers; efpedally if you know ir, and yet go on in your !lumbers; if _you will n~r awaken when God crys and calls, you lballl1umber and 11eep; hke rhe Sm1rhs dog, the harder the Malter fl:rikes, rhe faHerrhe dog fieeps, being ufed to ir. I knew a man of ~reat eltate, oft quickned by rbe Word ; bur be Jolt all life and heat again, and he prayed, and delired the Lord ro keep him , and yer decayed, bur he could not tell the reafon thereof; at lafi the Word began ro grow common, and he !Ieprrhere alfo ; Confcience told him there was fome evil toward him which be feared, yet !till !Iept, and cominued fo; n6twirhltanding hi's fears would thus awaken him oft; at Jail an affii&ion ca·me, he regarded nor rhat, bur was impatient and froward under it, rill ar Iall. all be had was gone, and then he "looked about him; when his houfe was burnt, he was afleep ; he prayed , but loll all by fleeping when be lbould warch ; fo fecurity grew upon him; and hence, no wonder mifery mer him : Oh ! rake heed therefore of giving way, lib~rty, or, rolerarion ro a 11eeping profeffion, and your !lumbering Religion : as men will nor rolerare Ceremonies, b~caufe they are the fruitful feed of me b0dy of Popery ; fo bere,&q. SECT. IV.