Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Opened and Applied. b;:_;ins to f.::e 11'hat projiteth it me to win the whole world and to l•fe my own foul? hc:nc::: falls now to take up another profeffion, to hang out an<>cher flag, and to lead a new life; and now pride in fpiritual excellencies is his fin ; when glory in • 1 world ly w~alth dyes, pride in fpirirual glory lives: There were divers of the , Heathen contemned the world, yet fuft up with pride in their morality ; hence :· Chufe no novice Bi(hop, lcf he be puJted up, -and fall into the_condemr:arion of the 1 ']) evil. Now Lets of mmd come m when he performs dunes publ!ckly, open- ~ ly; and n'?w he hungers afrerrhe honor of men, and (ets him~elf w fale fcir l it: Oh, fauh s,.ut, honor me ! when he had confelfed !liS covenng of the cari rei; but pride fiuck in him flill: And when he doth duties privately, he refis in ; rhem, and accounts highly of himfelffor them, though they neither bring him I to Ch ritt, but ell range him from Chrifi. HenL-e Chrifi chargerh, when you do _ alms, do notonelJ do it nor to be fe~n of. men! but !e_t not rhy/efc hand /z_no>P what I thy ri,ht hand doth; take no delight In this: This was S;mons fin, ACJ, S. he feeingthe gifts of the Apofiles, would give any money for them; . t~e-fe gifts are {\veerer now than money ; hence fuch fall to fome foul op1mons and , crotchets; they c~n interpret Revelations, and ~fcend r_o the Minifi_ry, and . 1 b::the forwarde!hn a Town, but when to do pubhck ferv1ce, refpe61: 1S gone, their love is gone. Fifthly,When-this is dying in the Sainrs,and fallen down in Hypocrites, now florh is thelafi thing that takes hold upon rhem, and this is.fweet; What is the honor of men ? what is this bafe wor Id? now floth and fleep is fweet. Now a man firH ceaferh '.l&ing, and this gives refi; and now being here ; Secondly, it's death to come out of[his fluggilh efiate; when the hand ofGod is upon men, and the fpurs be at their fide and in their heart , it may be it will be .otherwife ; but elfe not ; they will not awaken, floth is fo liveet to them, though fins yet be to be fubdued; time is lhorr, Gods wrath is great ; yet that, as it is faid, He that ef•apes the [word of Jehu (hall ElifhA flay; fo it is here, he that efcapes one fin, another lhall flay him ; but at lafi floth lhalf flay : Hence let a man look, what joyeth my heart? God doth not, wealth doth not ; flothdoth. SECT. III. BEcaufe it is the bell ~and mofi fit feafon for this fin to arife, when all K.eafon r. the refl are fallen indeed in Saints, and feem to b~ fallen in Hypocrites; as the temptation is, fo mens fin is; vvhen there is rhe fittefi temptation without, it broaches corruption within, and it runs not out befo"e ; for it is here as in War; ~>hen the enemy (neverfeen before) is feen in the field (velydan$erousand veryfirong) is itnow afc:afon to fl~ep? no, Ann, arm riow; Out when he harh driven and routed an enemy, and is enriched withfpoils, and laden with prey, now it's a feafon to refi. Hence the Poet notes, When all the World could not conquer them, their peace after conqueft bath ; now they have , themfelves (an enemy within ) to conquer ; So here. Hence if they lhould \have defired the Ifrae!itesto be at peace with the Canaaniw, when they firfi came in and had the land ; No, they will cut our throats in time; but when they had conquered them, now Jcfh.r )·63. it is faid,they could not do it; had they not had Gods promi.fe for it? yes, and he could make it good , but they could not, becaufe now they had no lifl: to do ir, they were flothful~ Exod. 2 3.29. · Secondly, Becaufe it is the firongefifin; No bonds fo firongas thebonCls Reafon z. I of dear.!i; it is a kindeof}fpiriiual deat!r, Ephef.P4· though in the Saints it . . cc c 2 is