Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

20 The Parab!e. o~ the Ten P irgins, \ is not death eternal. Now as It IS wub the Lord, h_e refe_rves the beLl mercy 1 till the Jail, fo Satan referves the Llrongefl: temptanon till the lalt ; and in many men it is floth: Now it receives a double Llrengrh : 1. From the Llrength of natural corruption which wiiJ remain when other fins dye, and in a great meafure in the Sainrs, when the power of fin is taken from the Saints ; for rake the bell man and this remains ; it is the ficknefs of the Soul which will cleave to it : Hence as 'tis with fick men, when no mind to meat, yet oh a little reil ! it is greateLl pain tG walk, and hence the oreate(t pleafure to lie_Hill : ficknefs binds a man to refi, makes him love his r~(t; fo carnal corruption, to carnal re(t. z. The !lrength of pleafure in fome la;vful thing ; for floth and !leep's hell pillow is ever fame delight in lawful things, that's the lhado1v: hence when a mat! delights not in grofs evils, yet in health, and peace, and freedom from dangers ; and here he wallows, as Ij{achar. Thirdly, Becaufe (not onely fo, hut) it is the leafl fufpeetedfin. I have known them that have been gracious, and Ion~ it bath been before the Lord bath made them knowthat they have had this l much lefs loved this) fin. For r. It is but a negl~ct or ceffation from act; it is no fin that cloth openly war againfi the foul, but Jives within like a friend. z. 'Tis a negle8: which the befi have ; an infirmity ; .Aft j/Hmbmd .tnd jlept. . b . . h . • h Thtrdly, T e mam work IS wroug t ; It IS not t erefore any dangerous inlirmiry, men think; and hence the Apo!lle, Rom. z ~ .u. would have them a~t;k.!; why? we lhall hefav~, mightthey fay, and hadpeacelongago; but ( fauh he) bwtHfe yoHr falvatton u ne~trer. 4· Becaufe he fees many difficulties before h1m to break thorow, which unlefs 6od gave him more (trength, he dotb not fee chat God calls him unro ; and hence faith, that there are Lions in the W4J ; after a long time ofprofeffion, then God prefents greatefi difficulties; and hence now floth reigns in afpecial manner. SECT. IV. HEnce fee the reafon why many Chrifiians at their fir!l beginnings grow, and thrive, and abound in the fruits of Righteoufnefs ; but afterward fo poor and ragged; Oh the two or three firfi years, how frequently in prayer, meditation ! Oh what forrow and peace! but after this, now they can find little good they can get; little growth they make, unlefs it lx: downwJrd; little life they have, and what ado to keep it, or to get a good fpiritual meals meat ! this is the reafon of it; when they firfi began, then the enemy was our, and they were up, and now they conquered and had the fpoils ; but fince, they have growl! fecure, and loved to ileep, I fay love to fleep; and hence, little eo be feenaboutthembut rags; hence(<J'r,v.6.Ir.) lejl thJ povcrt; comeasanarmedman, Prov.zo.J3.l1. truly this is it, and hence no wonder you are ever fo full of complaints in mid!l of means; where God gives you matter of fulnefs, joy, peace, everlafling glory , yet you find nothing; fo that fometimes you think there is no grace, or are almofl: of the mind that there is no grace to be looked for in us; if not, yet finding folittle, there'sno evidence for ic: Oh your!lochitisthe caufe; hence 'cisyoumarvel auheLordhe helpsnor; Oh you do not awake, to awaken the arm of the Lord; you /hall know, if you follow on to know the Lord, but that you do not ; and hence the pricks and . !exations you made your peace with, and are again vexed by them, ·this is the reafon