Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

, I The Parable of the Ten Virgim, fpirirually w;tr no more; and hence Satan and Sin are at peace ; this is the guife of men, they think the main is fure: they maintain a name ro live before men, keep duties upon the wheels before God, and have comfort often ; and though a world of vanity is in their hearrs, yet it never opprefieth them, becaufe th~y oppofe nor it, and fo are quiet. S 1: C T. V. Obje&.BVt is not Chrift's yof?.! eajie andh,s burden l;gbt, full of fwmnefs, &c? Anfw. There is a life of faith,anda life of florh; arefi which Faith oives, and Chrill: gives; and a refi which a mans own floth and fecurity oives~ but there is a w1de Glifference between them. " Firfl, a believing heart cleaves to the Lord, and fo findes refl: in the Lord, and that with purpofe and decree of hearr, to cleave to him in one thing as well as in another ; the heart is not at peace with Satan, and ac war with God, but ;oyneth to the Lord, and fiands armed with a ltrong refolution again it every temptation; and hence peace with Chrifi is maintained, not with floth : as Barnnbas, .Aflsi 1.23. exhorted with fn/1 purpofe uf heart t? cleave m;t~ the Lord, when heJaw the grace of God; feeing you find ii1ch mercy from him, oh cleave unto him : B~t now a fecure heart cleaves to the Lord in fome defires; and if he be refolved of any thing, it is only 0f that which he can do with eafe, and will not be what he would be; he would be better, and know the Lord more, and this quiets him ; but be will not be what he wo~ld be, becaufe his compa& and covenant of peace is made with another ; he will be fluggifh and fecure, andntatufe the means; oh fle~p is fweer, Prov.x 2.27. The [luggard r•afl s not what he took_ in hnming; he will not roafl: it, there is trouble there. Secondly, A believiagheart, or Faith, finds and feels its reil: by trouble. Unto the righteous there arifoth l~.(ht out of darkz.q(?,Pfal: 37· A fur J?" hav_e fnffcred, God fettle ;ou, I Pet.5,Io. Not as the world urves peace, g•ve I tt tJnto you, Joh.x4-27. Fortbelife of aChrillian is a life offaich, which is a life contrary to fence and reafon: When the Lord ki!ls, what doth he intend then to fave me? and when he blinds me, doth he intend to te,lch me? yes that he doth, and by their they find peace. Hence J';ml at the end of his life makes his triumph, I have finifhed my courfe, :1 Tim.4.6>7,8. this makes promifes precious; when, though a man feels the fl:rength of fin, yet fees the Lord will fobdueit; when aman findes guilt of fin, yet fees the Lord will pardon ic fo.r his own names fake: It's a llJange place. 2 Cor. i.8,9. We were opprejfed wtthontreafon, why? that we might mttruft monr (dves, (why, \"Vas there no way but this?) why, this is the life of faith, to find life in death, ):'eace in forrow : But a !lothful heart finds not refl: by denying it felf, and walking tbrough trouble; but by pleafing it felf, and eafing it felf of trouble, becaufe it is at league with it : One that bath broken league, finds peace by war, and then takes fpoiJS l but another C COlltra,&C, . . 1. A man denies the power of godlinefs, th.u's a burden; h1s flothful heart wi!lnot bearrhac, that's toohot; forche world carriesacondemned c~rriage of them ; and hence he keeps a name to live, and thereby bath peace wuh the world. 2. He wreflles not againfi Satan, and his luGs, purfuing thetn daily, carries not the fence and feeling 6f them ; and hence being luke-warm, he tiJinkJ he is ri,h,Ntdwt~nts nothing, when poor, rmd blind, and mzf<!d. :;. Henc!=