,at peacewitbbim; fin u orlivnmhoutthe Law, I + Keeping a con!lant courfe of private duties, be thinks God is at peace · alfo, and fo his peace gives him reH, and !1oth makes him make a league, becaufe he loves reH : and hence we finde, a Chriltian mo!t opprelfed in rimes I of trouble, many rimes bath moll: peace ; and e ·contra--: Becaufe as it was with Cjidem, he had his peace by rrouble, th~y had their peace by refhvhofe flefh he core with thorns, Jttdg.S.J. oh rhereforefear and rremble at their condition. SECt. VI. . HEnce fee rhe reafon why many a Chrillian, afrer he hath-feen and felt .the ttfo 3 , - work of Gods grace ih his heart and foul, and hence bath been filled with · peJCe and joy unfpeakable, chat yet alter long profeffion lofeth the light of it, and knows not whether there be any dram of ~race in his heart or no ; and confequencly bath no alfurance : bur ask him, have you not knoyvn it? yes ; bur 'tisa quellion whether ever it was immortal feed or no, for then it would not dye, as I fee it bath ; rhe reafon of this is, a man falls eo a fecure condition, fall afleep, forgers God and himfelf; and hence though there be grace, yet it is notexercifed, Matth.25.26. and hence not feenat all, zPet. 1.8,9. and one ~race ro another, and then an open entrance is made; this makes calling fure; if this ~hey, do not, they will not fee a far off; why ? becaufe they forger the Lord, which is one part of fecuriry: Hence we lhall find in times of perfecution, never fuch alfurance as then, Zach.x j.ult. becaufe grace is never fo exercifed as then; and hence men much in prayer abound with Ittuch a£furance (when Chrill was in his agony he prays more ferveptly) becaufe then a man is watchful, and grace moll exercifed; when a man dyes in prayer, and grows fecure, and bath little exercife of grace, now it is a queHion whether there is grace at all or no; and hence when men come to Sacraments, how oft are they put to it whether the Lord be ttieirs or no ! and hence when men come to the Word, they lofe all comfort, becaufe they know not whether thefe promifes are theirs or no, becaufe they are afleep, and not waking with the Lord. Oh thererefore lay no blame 11pon the Lord, but thy fel f ; I have had grace, but I have not exercifed it; J have lived a life of !1oth and fecuriry, had I lived a life of thankfulnefs, prayer, watchfulnefs, and b~en ever awake, I ihould have feen my own heart, and what the Lord bath done for my foul : Here; here lies the_fecurity of a Chri!lian, not in loling all grace he had, but in loling the exewfe of 1r• . SECT. VII. ~eA.HOJP fha/1 I do this? . . An(w. 1. Look that your eye be lingle, that the Lord be yoilrlafl e'!d, and that with an infinite love you ch:ave to that, and then the whole body will be full oflight; but if your eye be dooble,&c. Matth.6.z+A !hip rhathath ~ut one place to go to, will getltbitherward in open fea with every wind. Who 1s fo great as the Lord? who mi'ods thee but the Lord ? cloth he provide, prorei!\ and pity thee, when rhou feekelhhy felf? will he not do it much more when thou art fet for him ? 2. Confider