Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Obfervation 4The P4rable of the Ten Pirginr~ CHAP. IV. Chr~ftsak{ence tbe caufe offccurity inbis Churches. SECT. I . • Hat Chrzfts ahfence, or tarrying long from the Churcher, is a..n oc<ajion ( throt<gh mans cormption) of all fecurity in the ChJtrches. · :r • vVhile ChriR delays the Bride fleeperh ; look as it was with rhe lfraelites,when M ofes went firR from them up to the mount, they had no fpeech of making a Calf; bur when he Raied long from them,now they makeir, andmakemerrywirhit; foie is here, Exod.3z.r. The holy Apoille not'es this to be in the lalt days, z Pet, 3· 3>4· Men {hall fay Where is the promife of hu commg? all things remain as the] were; and hence [coffers (it may be with the tongue) at leaH in the heart, and fo walking l!{ter theirownlujls; hence Matth.z4·.49· you fee an evil fervanc fmite his fdlow fervams (I\ hat is the reafons of divifionsbetween men?) onefmites wi[h rhe tongue, the other with the hand, and the other fuffers; (and to eat and drmk..wJth the dntnk!n) iris align of a fecure man when (though he falls not into a propbane courfe, bur) be can bearwirh it in others,eo lie by and feeorhers fin wirhouccht:ck; whatisthe caufe of this? he fazth (not wirh his tongue, but) in his heart, .li1y Lord delap his coming: The very fcope of rhe parable i~ eo thew the fin of men herein, and eo prevent it by watchfulnefs. SECT. II. QteiJ.HOw and whJ doth this •ccajion and lreed fecurit]? An{rY.I. In that Chri!ls abfence from rhe world makes him to be much forgotten in the world (our of light outofminde) cfpecially at thole rimes when men are ready to be overcome by floth ; now forgetfulnefs of God is the begimn1ng of all rbe deepel} fecuriry that can fall upon men, 'Deut.32. I 8,r 9,::1o. whence rhe Lord faith, I will hide mY face from them, fo as the7 fhallnot fume, '""!wilt feethem and whatrhmendfha/1 be, and hence rbis is made the begining of returning to rhe Lord,PJa.zz.z7,z8.Ail Nations [hall rememb<r and turn, fw rbe Kine:dom is the Lords. SecGndly, Becaufe the abfence of ChriR keeps thofe things from ocing feen which ibould awaken, and which fen!ibly do awaken ; rhat as it is wirhin the nighr, when there is little noife, and darknefs over-fpreads all things, it is hard now to be kept from fleep, . when the curtains are drawn; fo while ChriLl is abfenr, it is a kind Gf night (his coming is called the daJ, and the day of th~ Lord) becaufe the things of the Lord are hid from men: And thofe are thefe rwo l · ~---~chiefly.:_ 1.The