V fe I , Vfe z. ttfe 3· The P4rable of the Ten Pirginr> S E C T. III. HJ:!nce.we[ee the vilenefs of the hearts ofmen, that Chrifi his abfence(which nme 1s giVen eo us ro make us watch)fhould make us fecure;that men fhould turn day into night, a day of forbearance , into a niaht of foraetfulnefs · for if rh elord fhould not delay his . coming, how many thoufands ~ould be f~ept away bef<?re af!y p~ace made With God, or ~efore a_ny work /inifhed for God! now he m pny gtves fuch days , delays hts comma for this end, and do wethnsrequite the Lord? zl'et-3-9· Chrifl himfelf d~th his work while it is light; tht night fometh whereinn' mttn caN work._, J•h.r z. 3s,36. Now what I a eroffing of the Lord is this ? If he fhould come, rhou fhouldfi be confumed by him ; and if he cloth not come, you will grow fecure before him. Hence fee the reafon why the hearts ofmen are fofecure in times of health ai>d peace, but they cry out and look about them in times of ficknefs, and when th:: approach of death is near, becaufe Chrifi now begins to come, and Chrifls prefence is near in gre~~ terror, and feverity, and glory; but be thefe are afar off; pow the foul begins eo fee Chrifi, and how he mufi fhortly fiand naked alone ( fhipt of all comf?rts and friends) before an all-feeing God; and now they look about for evidence ; but before, the Lord would not come as yet, he delays his coming, I may live many years and provide thus and thusJor my children, &c. Oh men complain of fecure carelefs hearts, and the caufe is this, they fee not this day a coming. Hence fee one fpecial way to prevent and remove fecurity when it is fallen upon the hearts of any, and that_is by daily fettin& bcl'o~e you the coming of the Lord ; the Apo!Ues penned thts, and Samts beheve thts, r Thej[. r .u!Kl am perfwaded fomemen have had in their dreams the vilions of the AJfnighty, of which Job fpeaks, and have been awakened in terror and fear, .iven with the dream of it; but how would this awaken if feen and beheld whilfl indeed you are awake ! Many Monkifh fpirits have been much awakened in their fuperfiitions wayby this; bntrhe fpiritof a P;m/will be much more; forby this means he awakened all the world to look about them, z Cor.s.II. And for himfelf, this did make him exercife himfelf, .Ails 24.r5,t6. fo it will be with you ; you will not only be awake your felves, but keep all awake *ut you ; ar.d this is not leoal neitherthus to do. It is certain if you complain of fecurity., I dare coofplain againfi you , that this is the caufe; you look ~pon the comming of the Lord as a long time off_, and fee it not daily_; It converted fome in fcoffing o/lthens t() the F:1th ; much more ( if converted ) cloth it awaken, Let us therefore commend Three things to you. SECT: IV. Fidl,M Ake the coming of the Lo. rd real , !ee ic real, and fet ic really ( as it fhallbe) before your eyes: Heb.9. uli. to them that look., fur him, &c. Why do not men look for him? truly, very few do lookfor him really; !t is only a report, a noifewirh many men ; where there is the power of grace, lt prefents things as they are, which fhall be fo; Faith u the fubjfttnce •f tl1ings not ften, it puts them in their beiog; it is the evidence of things not feen, for