Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Opened and Applied. i ~~~~t.i~~!t~~~~~!~t~~~!~~!~~!!f.!~~*-i~i~ ffJf~nt,fF:fflff'ffifJ'fFfJlfP:'flff1fJ':fJiTT CHAP.' V. Of (} hrifls awa~ning cry before his cowing. And at midnight there was acry made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go 7e forth to mm h1m. Thm 1111 thofe Vir[,ins arofe and trlmmtd their lamps. ~nd the foo!ifh j11id tfitto tlu wif#, Cj ive 111 of )QHr oyl, for ottr lamps 4re gone out. Butthe wife anfwered faying, Not fo, left there be not enough for us and yoY, h11t go ;e rather to them that jell, and buy for pHr felva. ----------------------- SECT. I. N thefe words is fet down the preparation made fometime before the Bridegrooms coming, and that is by a Cry that the Bridegroom cometh; and therefore the Churches Jbould meet him: This is amplified from two things chiefly; 1 Fir!l, The time when this Cry w.ts made, and that was . at t..M•dnight. Secondly, the effeCt that this Cry took upon the Virgins, from ·vuf 8. to 10. . . What Jbould bemeanrby this C:y is difputed of by_fome: Some think by lt 1s meam the defcending of ChnH from Heaven wuh a Jbour, the voyce of the Ar2h-Angel and Trump of God: 1 Theff+Hlt. which (as I do not wholly exclude) becaufe there !ball be !uch a clamor before the Lord comes, as ar rhe giving of the Law; fo at the time when the World !ball be judged by the Law: fo tbiscircum!l~nce is added (as Parem and other int~rprer) in r~­ gard of rh~ Parable, which fpeaks of Chril1s coming under the limi!irude of a. Wedding folemnized in the night time, according to the cuflom of thofe times, who when they came forth out 0f their feveral houfes to meet pne anorher, acryandnoi!eis made, theBridegrQom com,th. Now, Q!!e!l. What is meant by rhe coming of rh' Lord, the Bridegroom ? A 11[w. The comino of ChriH principally here memr, is that coming of Chri!leirher to general~r particular Judgem~nt in the latter ag~s of rhe world. Then, for wh~n, 2 Thej[:z.r,,.. rhey thought rhe coming of Chrifl was near ; no fairh he, not till Amichri[l is revealed and deGroyed ; rher..:fore when AqnchriH is difcovered and de!lroyed, and Churches upon thiS refin~d , now rhere rer:nainina no more to be done in this world but Chri!ls coming, all promifes ~tngful~lied except that, fo thatrhey live in expeCtation of rhlt; ChriHllaymg and not coming fo foon, Churches grow fecure; yet before th~ Lord . comes