Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

The Parable of the Ten Virgins, comes eo either judgement he harh his cry : yet here is to be meam .ne co:ni"g of Chri£1:ar ochercimes of the Church whe!l they !ball be Vi:l:,ins; and hence a command to watch that concerns and bmdes all eo be ready a>;ainlt the coming of Chrilt, whether to general or particular Judgemem at death, or any other coming of the Lord in this life, either in fpecial mercy to his peoole, orinrerrorco Hypocrices,L>~k.,I8. ChriRs comingto hear prayers, and to avenge himfelf of his Churches enemies, is a coming. When rhe Jews £hall h:called, andAmichriHdeflroyed,2Theff.2. it is called Chrittscominv: So the fum is rhis, look as before the Bridegroom meets the Bride, and cry i~ made eo awaken them to come eo meet him; fo before Chrifl: comes to his fecur<: Churches to cake his people to nearer fellowfhip with himfelfin this life or at death, or at judgement, Chritl hath his cry eo awaken them. ' SECT. II. Obfen (! - T Hilt 6efort cJ,riHs coming to his fecHre Churches, the Lord will fend forth tion I . hucry to IIWak!nthrfeChurclies, to give Wllrningof, 11nd to mak!themready for his coming; hu coming either at /aft daJ, or at death, or in thu life, to tak.; them into nearer fe/low{hip with himfelf. It is true, Chri!ls coming is at midnight, at a time when one would think be would nor come; but yet at midnight there is this cry, which prepares and goes before his coming. ~e!l. what is thu cry ? Anfw. Iris nota ltill voyce, but aloud cry, which bath irseffecHor which God fends ir. Now we fhall find in Scriptme there are rwo ways by which God cloth ufually awaken a fecure £inner. Fir!t, The cry of theWord. Sec~:mdly, The voyce or cry of the Rod. So this Cry ofChri!t is. FirR, Somerimesrhecryof the Word; forrhus John (lfa.40·3·) is called a Crier, and '1'rov.1.24. Zllch.7·7>I3· And this is the fir!t courfe God takes c~ awak~n, by the firfl:honor eo the vVord ; this is his mercy to fee U: chat will do It. Now It IS nor every word that wlll or can awaken; for many umes it makes men more fecure (as fome can fleep belt by the noife of many waters) I[a.6.9. When the Lord fent ro fat them, he fenc Ifaiah to preach to them ; however in it felf it' is a cry of Chrifl ; and feldom dorh he come but he zives warning by his Servants the Prophets: Bur when it doth awaken, there are thefe particulars in it that it may awaken. I. It is a word of Majefly and glory in refpeet 0f thofe that bring ic, JHdg. 1 2.1. one that preached to them (he was noAngel f:om Heaven, for it Is not faid he came from Heaven, bur from Gilgal to B•chim) why is he called an .Angel ? becaufe of that Maje!ty wherewith God clothed him, when he came to awaken them; for they had made a league wirh the CatJaanius, and they began eo vex them it feems, and he comes to cell them they fbould do fo fl:ill, and God fee on this with majeHy upon their hearts, and hence they fell to . weeping: And this is ufual with tbe Lord, wherein he bath a time wh~n he will awaken men ropurpofe, he puts afpirir of glory and majeRy upon h1s fervants more than ufually, char rhe moHfecure !hall fee more than a man, theyfhall fee rhe fpirir of glory fparkling, and fbining thorow fuch Lanrhorns; as when God intends to harden a man in feccricy,or leave him for a rime, thenhefhall defpife the Melfengers of God, and fee no more but man, and !ball have !lrange opinions of them; and hence Rev.r r. when wirnelfes are raifedupagain to confmmd AntichriRian Doctrines, the Spirit of life from God enrred 1 into '