------------------ .~--------------------------~. \ Opened and Applied. j 33 ! into them, that great fe.ar and aw fell upon all that faw them; fuch light Jhall Jhine throuoh thefe cunams, that men {hall nor lleep. , . Secondly, It i' a word of difcovery, and that of fome ~ecrer hidden vein of (in, which men never knew before ; for w~en a man rs one~ 15rowri fecure iris wonderful to.fee that rorpour that lies upori a mans fpmr, a mofl: palp;ble and plain lin which ma~ ~e fme!r and felt, yer !t is nor felt by himfelf, Jike him'that ileeps when the Lhip Is linking, he knows It nor; 11owWhen the Lord doth awaken, he cloth it by fuch a difcovery,and this makes them look about them, Hag.I.6 7,8,9,r2. btcaufe of my houje which u wt~(fe. Thirdly, It is a word of terror, that burns as wel! as l"J:ines, rbarfo rhey may indeed be awakened ; for though Suphens face fhmes t.k! an .Angel, ~nd he tingles them out, Oh ye ftiff.--neck!d; yet the terror of God nor fallm_g upon them, they ~.re fecure !hll : Bur now when the Lord makes h1s Word fall of terror, ir awakens them. I Sam. I2. They would have a Kino; they were told of their forrows; and hence they feared the Lord ~nd Samuel ; and now were awakened ro fee that which they never faw ; God helpr forward the terror of expeC1:ing of fome outward mifery. Fourthly, A word of power to awaken fome or other among the Churches, and this makes all the refl: to look about them, as ufually wnen the Word comes with never fuch terror and majefly, we !hall fee men fall alleep acain, without they fee the effeC1: of it in fome, and one or two will awaken all fhe re!i ; like fome rbar are alleep, when they fee others up , ,What do I here ? I[a.4o. The Lord !hews how be comforts his people ; Fir[! ic is by rhe cryer; andthenVerfe9.Io. ~t is by 'fertt{alcm: When Samnria ge~?erally received the Word, then Stmon alfo believed ; whe? th~ Jew begms ro look toward the Lord, ren men Jhall take hold of their skms ·, and fay, The Lordu with you, Zach.S.23. Sometimes this is the cry before· Chrif!s coming, and yet men may !hake <:>ff their fears, defpife the light: Hence the Lord bath a fecond Cry, and rhar 1s SECT.- II1. Secondly,TH. E Cry of rhe Rod; for there is a loud·voyce in every Rod, · which many times thofe that are mofi fecure, mufl:artd !hall hear, Pfalm 2. 5· He fha/l fpeaz to them in his wrath, Micah 6. 9· Now what are thefe ? (I fpeak not to fecure p~~:rfons alone, we know how rhe lord do~h exercife them, but how he fpeaks to fecure Churches) fomedmes he bath leffer blows; but he that is nor awakened by the Word and the cry of that, is feldom awakened by the cry of fmaller evils; he may be !lartled, but feeing his pillow is flill foft, he mull bear it, and cannot amend it , he lleeps again. Now the things whereby rhe Lord cloth and will awaken are Two. Firfl:, By bringing Churches into great extremities and dittrefs, that I they know not what to do, fcanering them on·e from another in woods where they know nor what to do for bread. Jrtdg,es 6. the <.Midianites pr,:vailed againfl: them feven y~ars, . until! they fled to Dens like beaf!s hunted up and down , and at lalt they bave ·'no bread , but begged, and their cartel deflroyed; Verfe 6. Now they cry unto rhe Lord becaafe of the 0tlf.idianites, and he fent a Prophet to make them cry for their fin; , for this is the nature of a fecure heart , while it &arh any thing to eafe it, it will not be awakened throughly , if it be in a lleeping vain ; and hence Eee the· ! •