34 Retr{un J, Reafon 2. tt{ex. The Pttrable ofthe Ten Pirgini;, rhe Lord di(lreiferh them; hence Mat.z4.29,30.after Amichrillian tribulation {halltherebeworfe? yes, a.fter that.s_a,and Moon fi'all bedark!zed,i.e.there !hall b~ a confuiion of all thmgs (for 1t IS the language of the Eafiern Counrries · fo toexprefs it,) )Jan. I z.J,z. Secondly, By ruinating of Churches, breaking the Candlefticks, quenching the lights, deliyering them to fpoylers , umiJ . the Land be almofi left without inhabitant, fome {lain, fome carried into captivity ; and now confcience cryes, Word cryes, and Rod cryes aloud to awaken them, Ifa.G.g. Go and mak§ thu pegpfes heart fat ; Lord bow long? until their haufe be defolate; and then you hear of the fparing of a little remnant whom the Lord awakens, eAmos 6. you fee them fecore, Verfe 7• 8,9. there's captivitie and plagues to defiroy families; will the Lord deal fo with Jacub, the moll excellent people under Heaven ? yea, faith the Lord, I abhor them , and when you (ee them on the banks of B"bJl~n, then they remember Sion,Levir. 2.6. 39>'10· SECT. IV. BEcaufe it is fodifficult to ai'Vaken one throughly; no bonds (next to death) fo firong to keep men under as fecurity; andhenceEphef.'i-14· fleepina . ancl being among the dead are joyned together ; and hence the Lord will cry~ and if the Word cannot, the cry of the Rod mull and !hall. In regard of the people of God, who are fecure with them that ate vile in fecure Churches; if the Lord had none among them , he would come without crying ; bur becaufe they are there among them, the Lord will awaken ; but if any do, it is chiefly for their fakes ; for though the Lord do pardon and walh away his peoples fins, yet they come not to the fruition of pardon without faith, and thts faith is never fevered from repentance; and hence the L'Ord will not come upon them unawares b~fore he hath broken their hearts (not from infirmities, for they willlatl rill death, but) broken their hearts for and with their iniquity, their chief fin. In regard of Chrill himfelf, chat fo he maybe received wirh elteem, and attended wpon with all refpeC1: ; for let the Lord !hew never fo much kindnefs. to a fecure finner , he is not eQeeme.d , he is forgocren, buried like a dead ~arkafs ( a dead Chrill ) out of doors ; as it is with men tha.t fleep, let the King fland by them, provide never fo much for them they regard ir not; fo 'l)rot,,.~.t 'i· Therefore we !hall finde the Lord never comes to his people, but ·he comes then when he is efieemed; firfi the Lord works the·efieem, and then cQmes,Matth.2j.Hlt. Chri!t departs tillmenfay, B!.ejfed behethatcometh.in the,.ameof the Lsrd. . , SECT. V. HEnce we. may fee th.e dangerous condition of all thofe due fall into a fecure.oondition, andfo dye. 1, That: have b~nonce very forward, affeaionate,llritl:, tender, ~c. but mw their lamp is our. z. That. have kc:tJt themfelves and their hearts from foil,rheir lamps bright~ bur now though rhetr hearts CQlltraa foil every day, tiley are ferried upon the Leer, and their fcent is in them, and their lamp never dre!t. · 3· That